REPORT: Biden Admin Advises Senators To Prepare ‘Constituents’ For ‘Long War’ In Israel And Gaza

The Biden administration informed U.S. senators they ought to prepare their own “constituents for a long war in Israel & the Gaza Strip,” a senior congressional journalist for Punchbowl News reported Monday morning.

The briefing indicated “U.S. support — both tangible & political — will be necessary in the coming weeks” and that the administration is seeking  “to establish domestic political expectations,” Punchbowl’s Andrew Desiderio tweeted. The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched a surprise attack on southern and central Israel on Saturday that has resulted in over 1,000 dead and thousands injured on both sides, including over 900 killed in Israel. The Iran-backed organization controls the Gaza Strip.


Top admin officials told senators to prepare their constituents for a long war in Israel & the Gaza Strip, indicating that U.S. support — both tangible & political — will be necessary in the coming weeks

Admin looking to establish domestic political expectations


— Andrew Desiderio (@AndrewDesiderio) October 9, 2023

The senators were informed “an imminent funding package isn’t necessary” currently but they wanted “new security assistance for Israel” to be included in “Ukraine-focused supplemental,” according to Desiderio. The officials reportedly mentioned they anticipate Israel will require “precision-guided missiles as well as replenishments for the Iron Dome missile defense system.”

Specifically, the officials added, Israel will need precision-guided missiles as well as replenishments for the Iron Dome missile defense system.


— Andrew Desiderio (@AndrewDesiderio) October 9, 2023

Democratic Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed and other senators on the call reportedly said Republican Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville and others should stop their blocking of U.S. military nominees over the military’s abortion-related travel fund, and sought progress filling other vacancies in the American government, according to Desiderio’s thread.

State Dept vacancies were also brought up — positions like U.S. amb to Egypt & State Dept counterterrorism coordinator.

SFRC Chair Cardin & Ranking Member Risch told senators they’re making progress on un-sticking these noms & hope to confirm them in the coming weeks.


— Andrew Desiderio (@AndrewDesiderio) October 9, 2023

Israel’s Security Cabinet formally declared war on Hamas on Saturday night.
