Republican Candidate For City Council Arrested On Alleged Child Porn Felony Day Before Election

Authorities arrested Brad Benson, a Republican candidate for Place 4 on the Granbury City Council, on Monday for alleged possession of child pornography.

Benson, who serves as the Deputy Fire Marshal, is also a dedicated member of the Granbury Volunteer Fire Department and a small businessman, according to Fox 4. The arrest, confirmed by the Republican Party of Hood County, raised concerns days before the upcoming city council election.

The Republican Party of Hood County issued a statement expressing their dismay and distancing themselves from Benson, emphasizing that they could never condone such activities if the allegations are proven true. (RELATED: Former State Lawmaker Indicted For Allegedly Flying To Europe To Have Sex With Minor, Soliciting Child Porn)

“Crimes of this degree tear at the heart and soul of society, and we condemn them in the strongest terms. The Republican Party stands for conservative, family values and the protection of children. These heinous acts are antithetical to what Republicans stand for,” the Republican Party of Hood County said in a statement. “It is time for the justice system to act and if Mr. Benson is proven guilty, the punishment needs to be swift and severe.”

Benson’s Facebook page hasn’t addressed the issue. His last post, dated a day before the arrest, has been flooded with criticism.
