Republican Challenger for George Santos’ Congressional Seat Linked to Black Lives Matter and Anti-Trump Organizations | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Republican Challenger for George Santos’ Congressional Seat Linked to Black Lives Matter and Anti-Trump Organizations

Kellen Curry

In the race to claim the Congressional seat once held by George Santos in New York’s 3rd District, a new Republican candidate has emerged with connections that some GOP voters might find surprising.

Kellen Curry, who positions himself as a Republican contender, appears to have significant ties to organizations traditionally associated with the left and with strong anti-Trump sentiments, the DC Inquirer reported.

The DC Enquirer has recently unearthed details that point to Curry’s relationship with a left-leaning consulting firm known as “New Politics.” Steven Craven, Curry’s senior campaign advisor, is a significant part of this operation.

New Politics professes to dedicate itself to the recruitment and development of servant leaders who prioritize community and country over self, which on the surface seems a bipartisan goal.

However, the DC Enquirer states that New Politics openly courts candidates with military backgrounds. Their stated mission to “revitalize democracy” could appear as a noble cause, but the organization has been linked with ideologies, such as critical race theory, that are divisive and controversial among many conservatives. These values have led them to support a candidate roster filled exclusively with progressives and engage in racially discriminatory practices under the guise of diversity.

Curry’s campaign connections don’t end with New Politics. He is also reportedly linked to “The Lincoln Project,” a political action committee known for its vigorous opposition to former President Donald Trump.

Founded by nasty George Conway, this group has consistently worked against the MAGA movement and supported anti-Trump Republican candidates.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, when asked about his preferred candidate, Curry evaded a straightforward response, despite the significant backing for Trump in the district.

Meanwhile, former Rep. George Santos tweeted out that Cara Castronuova, a reporter for The Gateway Pundit and Newsmax, would be an excellent choice to take over the congressional seat.

On Wednesday, the Italian-American Civil Rights League endorsed Cara Castronuova for the seat!

“The IACRL is strongly encouraging Italian American PATRIOT, Gateway Pundit and Newsmax Reporter Cara Castronuova to seek the nomination for New York’s Third Congressional District! We need more ITALIAN AMERICAN WOMEN in Congress. They get things DONE!”

Former Rep. George Santos AGREED, saying, “Cara is a known fighter in the literal sense! I’d love to see an actual REPUBLICAN on the ballot! Go get ‘em Cara Castronuova!”

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

