Republicans Urge Biden Admin Not To Release Hordes Of Grizzly Bears Into Washington Community

Samuel Spencer Samuel Spencer is a writer based out of Tampa, Florida. When he is not writing for the Daily Caller he is probably writing poetry or dreaming about snowboarding.

A group of Republicans are requesting additional time from the Biden administration to discuss the impending release of “apex predators” into forest areas of Northern Washington.

As of late September, the Biden administration is reportedly set on reintroducing a grizzly bear populous to the federally-managed North Cascades National Park in northern Washington, according to Fox News. The only problem is the rural community that would apparently suffer due to the proposed plan to let bears back into the area.

The republican group, led by Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse, has urged Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Director Martha Williams and National Park Service (NPS) Director Charles Sams to extend the public comment period, per Fox News. The Biden administration reportedly intends to increase the population of bears in the area to 200 in the coming decades.

“Time and again, our communities have spoken to express staunch opposition to the introduction of these apex predators, which would be detrimental to our families, wildlife and livestock alike,” Newhouse said, according to Fox News. “I’m beyond disappointed that the Biden administration is ignoring our concerns by moving forward with the introduction while putting on the façade of seeking more public input after their decision has clearly been made.”

Federal officials are looking at reintroducing grizzly bears to the North Cascades area in northwest Washington

— CNN (@CNN) July 27, 2019

“If this part of our natural heritage is restored, it should be done in a way that ensures communities, property, and the animals can all coexist peacefully,”  the regional FWS director, Hugh Morrison, said in a Sept. 28 statement.

The attempt to reintroduce grizzly bears into this specific region reportedly dates back to the Obama presidency. While there was a brief halt in the corporation during the Trump presidency, the campaign is up and running again under Biden and his cohorts. (RELATED: Couple Killed In Grizzly Bear Attack At One Of The Most Popular National Parks)
