Revisionist History: New Children’s Book Now Claims Stonehenge Built by Blacks | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Revisionist History: New Children’s Book Now Claims Stonehenge Built by Blacks

Nigerian-born writer Atinuke’s new children’s book, “Brilliant Black British History,”  claims that the U.K. has more blacks in its history than whites, and that blacks are actually the builders of the famed Stonehenge.

The Daily Mail reports that the book, which is geared for children seven and up, suggests to readers that ‘every single British person comes from a migrant’ and that the ‘very first Britons were black.’ It further alleges that Britain has been “mostly a white country for a lot less time than it has been mostly a black country.”

The Daily Mail reports:

The book takes readers through an overview of the presence of black people in Britain.

It says that Britain was ‘a black country more than 7,000 years before white people came and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge’.

But research published in 2019 suggested the Neolithic farmers who built Stonehenge had paler skin and were descended from populations originating in Anatolia in what is now Turkey.

The book also advances the claim that some of the Roman soldiers who invaded and ruled Britain were black.

Image: Screenshot Amazon Book Description

The book’s appearance, according to the Mail, follows a campaign by “Don’t Divide Us”  that claims children are being exposed to “anti-racism” theories.

Responses on social media addressed the revisionist history:

Image: Amazon Book Description

