RFK Jr. selects Nicole Shanahan as vice presidential pick – Washington Examiner

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. selected Nicole Shanahan as his running mate, a move that will help in his quest to gain ballot access across all 50 states.

After reviewing a long list of requirements for his running mate, Kennedy said he “found all of those qualities” in the 38-year-old Shanahan.

“The daughter of immigrants who overcame every daunting obstacle and went on to achieve the highest levels of the American dream,” Kennedy said. “So that is why I’m so proud to introduce to you the next vice president of the United States. My fellow lawyer a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom. Nicole Shanahan.”


Shanahan is a political novice who has donated to Democrats in the past and helped fund a Super Bowl ad from the super PAC supporting Kennedy with a $4 million donation this year, which led to Kennedy apologizing to his famous family members.

The wide-ranging group of people considered to be Kennedy’s running mate included NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, former Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, and former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura.

Kennedy’s independent presidential campaign is struggling to meet the threshold for all 50 state ballot requirements after he left the Democratic primary.

But with the announcement of Shanahan as his running mate, roughly half of the nation’s states will allow Kennedy to apply for ballot access provided he meets signature and other requirements as well.

In Nevada, Kennedy claimed he had garnered more than 15,000 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot but didn’t designate a vice presidential pick, which could result in him having to recollect the signatures again. Kennedy has secured ballot access in Utah.

His campaign slammed the Nevada requirement in a press release late Monday night.

“After successfully collecting all of the signatures we need in Nevada, the DNC Goon Squad and their lackeys in the Nevada Secretary of State’s office are outright inventing a new requirement for the petition with zero legal basis,” said Kennedy campaign ballot access attorney Paul Rossi. “The Nevada statute does not require the VP on the petition. The petition does not even have a field for a VP on it. The state confirmed that the petition does not require a VP in writing on Nov. 14. The state approved our petition without a VP on it in writing on Jan. 9.”

In California, where the running mate announcement was held, supporters are aiming to get Kennedy on the ballot through the “We the People” Party.

Shanahan could use her wealth to help bankroll the Kennedy ticket’s ballot access quest, but it’s unclear whether Shanahan will do so. Her youth will be an advantage to Kennedy, 70, and President Joe Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 77.

Kennedy garners 12.3% in a three-way matchup with Biden, at 35.3%, and Trump, at 40.7%, according to a RealClearPolitics poll average.


The long-shot campaign could act as a spoiler in the general election matchup between Biden and Trump in November.

Democrats have gone on the offense against Kennedy and other independent or third-party candidates who could pull just enough votes to sink Biden’s reelection efforts. The Democratic National Committee will host a call with reporters following Kennedy’s event to push back against his presidential run.
