ROOKE: The Left’s Cultural Revolution Comes For America’s Most Hallowed Grounds

Americans are experiencing the excruciatingly slow death walk that comes when Communist and Marxist ideologies permeate the decision-making of a nation’s most powerful people. The Biden Administration is dismantling America from within. Our only option seems to be to sit back and pray for our leaders to have mercy on us by saving some of our most precious monuments.

The Chinese people have little left of their former empire to look back on with pride because Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infamously destroyed anything connecting them to their old lives, religions, education, etc. It seems eerily poetic the latest move in the Biden Administration’s march toward division is to tear down a statue remembering how Americans were able to reconcile after the bloody Civil War.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA – SEPTEMBER 08: Crews prepare to remove one of the country’s largest remaining monuments to the Confederacy, a towering statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue, September 8, 2021 in Richmond, Virginia. (Photo by Steve Helber – Pool/Getty Images)

At the end of President Donald Trump’s first term, he vetoed H.R. 6395, a $741 billion defense policy bill, but was overridden by the 116th U.S. Congress, and the bill was passed into law. This particular National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) gave the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) three years to clear names associated with the Confederate Army from DOD property, creating an eight-member commission to develop a plan to remove these affiliations.

The Biden Administration has since systematically erased our nation’s important history from military bases, warships and government buildings. The latest blow came when plans were announced that the beautiful monument dedicated to honoring the national reconciliation after the Civil War would be removed from Arlington National Cemetery. (ROOKE: Will Smith Is America’s Masculinity Problem In A Nutshell)

Author of “Mao’s America,” Xi Van Fleet, warned Biden’s decision to dismantle the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery follows a similar pattern used in China during the Cultural Revolution to “demonize” Chinese nationalists.

“I remember the first time I went to visit Gettysburg Battlefield more than 30 years ago. My husband explained to me the different monuments by the North and the South. I was really impressed that in America, the defeated were allowed to memorize [memorialize] their dead,” Van Fleet posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Because I knew how the losers of the Chinese Civil War, the Nationalists, were demonized and dehumanized by the CCP. Those who failed to flee to Taiwan were exiled and executed. Their families and relatives were also persecuted.”

“It is terrifying that 30 years later, America is one step closer to resembling CCP’s China,” Van Fleet added.

I remember the first time I went to visit Gettysburg Battlefield more than 30 yrs ago. My husband explained to me about the different monuments by the North and the South.

I was really impressed that in America the defeated were allowed to memorize their dead. Because I knew how…

— Xi Van Fleet (@XVanFleet) December 18, 2023

Arlington National Cemetery sits on land taken from the family of Robert E. Lee after the war broke out. His wife, Mary Custis Lee, inherited the land after the death of her father, George Washington Custis, the grandson of Martha Washington. (ROOKE: There’s A Good Reason Trad Wives Can’t Stop Telling You About Their Sex Lives)

The Arlington estate with over 1,000 acres and her home were taken from Mary after her health prevented her from traveling from Richmond to Arlington to pay her property taxes in person. However, many saw the seizure as retribution for her husband’s sins against the Union.

Regardless, this land is hallowed ground. The bodies of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend the ideals put forth in our constitution about individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness are buried there in the earth.

Americans aren’t taught an accurate history of their own nation. Their knowledge of why war broke out between the North and South goes no deeper than slavery is bad and the South is evil, which explains why a large majority sat by silently while the Left attacked monuments dedicated to Confederate forces without asking themselves why our great grandfathers felt it was important to include them in places of honor.

From the American Rifleman archives: The #Guns of #Gettysburg — @visitgettysburg #CivilWar #CivilWarHistory #firearms

— American Rifleman (@NRA_Rifleman) July 3, 2018

Reconciliation wasn’t easy or seamless at first. It took years, but some knew the only way our nation would survive was if the pain and suffering caused by the war could be put aside. They made the decision to honor Union and Confederate soldiers and work on a united path forward. (ROOKE: The Left Hates Brave Men, But That’s Exactly Why We Should Celebrate Columbus)

After all, the Confederate States of America disbanded when the war was over, and everyone was, once again, an American.

In President Calvin Coolidge’s 1924 address at the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, he remarked that after the war, both sides sought a “common end,” which was “the maintenance of our American form of government, of our American institutions, of our American ideals, beneath a common flag, under the blessings of Almighty God.”

“It was for this purpose that our Nation was brought forth. Our whole course of history has been proceeding in that direction. Out of a common experience, made more enduring by a common sacrifice, we have reached a common conviction. On this day, we pause in memory of those who made their sacrifice in one way,” Coolidge said. “In a few days, we shall pause again in memory of those who made their sacrifice in another way. They were all Americans, all contending for what they believed were their rights. On many a battlefield, they sleep side by side. Here, in a place set aside for the resting place of those who have performed military duty, both make a final bivouac. But their country lives.”

On the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in 1913, veterans of the Union and the Confederate army shook hands with each other. #CivilWarHistory

— The History App (@TheHistoryApp) May 28, 2020

“The bitterness of conflict is passed,” he continued. “Time has softened it; discretion has changed it. Your country respects you for cherishing the memory of those who wore the gray. You respect others who cherish the memory of those who wore the blue. In that mutual respect may there be a firmer friendship, a stronger and more glorious Union.”

As crews worked Monday to tear down the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, Judge Rossie Alston Jr. issued an order halting the removal and protecting our history, if only for a little while.
