ROOKE: Trump Plans To Spend 2nd Term Dismantling The Left’s Favorite Policy

The toxic DEI chokehold on the US political system will be dismantled or, at the very least, neutered if former President Trump comes to power in 2024, according to Trump allies. On cue, the left is in full meltdown mode, accusing the Republican frontrunner of having a racist agenda.

Axios published a piece Monday claiming that a second Trump term will “dramatically change the government’s interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on ‘anti-white racism’ rather than discrimination against people of color.”

🚨 EXCLUSIVE: If Trump returns to the White House, close allies want to dramatically change the government’s interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on “anti-white racism” rather than discrimination against people of color.

— Axios (@axios) April 1, 2024

“Trump’s Justice Department would push to eliminate or upend programs in government and corporate America that are designed to counter racism that has favored whites,” Axios states. Despite its claims, the piece does not show any evidence of the accusation that Trump intended to focus on “anti-white racism” over the “discrimination of people of color.”

In actuality, a new Trump administration would ensure that Civil Rights-era laws would be used to include all Americans and not just the ones the left deems worthy of protection. Daily Caller editor and host on WMALDC Vince Coglianese pointed out this fact on Twitter. (No Amount Of Elitist Money Can Save Biden From Middle America In 2024)

“The ‘rather than’ in this tweet is never supported by any reporting in the piece. In fact, the Trump policy is to equally enforce civil rights laws, regardless of race,” Coglianese said.

The “rather than” in this tweet is never supported by any reporting in the piece. In fact, the Trump policy is to equally enforce civil rights laws, regardless of race.

— Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) April 1, 2024

Axios is hedging its entire piece on Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung and Trump’s Agenda 47, released in 2023, in which the former president promised to end the “Marxist concept of ‘equity’” in response to Biden’s 2023 executive order on “Further Advancing Racial Equity.”

“Achieving racial equity and support for underserved communities is not a one-time project. It must be a multi-generational commitment, and it must remain the responsibility of agencies across the Federal Government. It therefore continues to be the policy of my Administration to advance an ambitious, whole-of-government approach to racial equity and support for underserved communities and to continuously embed equity into all aspects of Federal decision-making,” Biden’s order stated.

Trump blasted this order in a press release titled, “Agenda 47: Eradicating Joe Biden’s Sinister’ Equity’ Executive Order That Has Led to the Woke Takeover of the U.S. Government.” (ROOKE: It’s Time For Republicans To Put Up Or Shut Up On Hunter Biden) 

“Instead of making decisions based on merit or qualifications, these policies from Biden are enforced based on skin color and sexual identity.” the 2023 press release stated. “All staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated. President Trump will create a team to review and reverse actions under Biden’s ‘equity’ agenda and request Congress to establish a restitution fund for those unjustly discriminated against by these destructive policies.”

“Biden is weaponizing every tool of government power to push this racism and this Communism and Marxism. I will instruct the Department of Justice to make clear that any such discrimination is completely and totally illegal, and to investigate the unlawful domination and discrimination and civil right abuses carried out by the Biden administration,” Trump said in the statement.

Stephen Miller’s group America First Legal has already started laying the legal groundwork.
Citing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he filed a civil rights complaint against the NFL in February about its “Rooney Rule.”
American First argued that “given the limited time frame to hire…

— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) April 1, 2024

Axios took particular exception to Trump, saying, “Every institution in America is under attack from this Marxist concept of ‘equity.’… I will get this extremism out of the White House, out of the military, out of the Justice Department, and out of our government.”

What Cheung actually said about Trump’s intent to end Biden’s policies that uplift equity over equality had nothing to do with ending protections for minorities but would instead take race out of the decision-making process, thus uplifting opportunities for all Americans.

“As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated,” Cheung told the outlet. “President Trump is committed to weeding out discriminatory programs and racist ideology across the federal government.” (ROOKE: Dems Suddenly Decide To Care About Witness Credibility)

All Americans are hurting economically under Biden, but that hasn’t prevented his administration from excluding some based on their race alone. Judge Marcia Morales Howard blocked Biden’s $4 billion program in 2021 intended to forgive loan payments to only minority farmers, excluding anyone who was not born Black, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hispanic, Asian, and Pacific Islander.

UNITED STATES: Bloomberg ran a million simulations to assess the ‘fragility’ of the US debt outlook, and in 88% of the simulations results showed the ‘debt-to-GDP ratio is on an unsustainable path’.

— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) April 2, 2024

Howard said that Section 1005 is essentially swapping one discrimination for another.

“Section 1005’s rigid, categorical, race-based qualification for relief is the antithesis of flexibility,” Howard wrote. “The debt relief provision applies strictly on racial grounds irrespective of any other factor. Every person who identifies him or herself as falling within a socially disadvantaged group who has a qualifying farm loan with an outstanding balance as of January 1, 2021, receives up to 120 percent debt relief — and no one else receives any debt relief.”

Similarly, on Mar. 6, Judge Mark T. Pittman ruled against Biden’s Justice Department, finding that the Minority Business Development Agency violated the Fifth Amendment’s equal protection guarantees by only offering financial aid and strategic advice to racially disadvantaged groups.

Judge Nukes Biden’s Discriminatory DEI Business Program

— The Federalist (@FDRLST) March 7, 2024

Why the left would be mad at Trump’s intention to bring equality to the forefront of his administration is beyond what anyone with a functioning brain can comprehend. It’s entirely un-American to promote one race above another. The reality is they are upset that Trump will no longer allow the federal government to be controlled by unconstitutional Marxists, destroying our national institutions.
