Russia Demands Ukraine Arrest and Hand Over SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk, After He Admits on TV Role in Terror Attacks | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Russia Demands Ukraine Arrest and Hand Over SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk, After He Admits on TV Role in Terror Attacks

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has come out and unveiled Moscow’s demand that Ukraine authorities hand over all people connected with terrorist acts committed in their territory.

The list surprisingly even includes the head of Kiev’s SBU Security Service, Vasyl Malyuk.

Besides the recent ‘bloody Crocus terrorist act’, the attacks in question include bombings that killed the daughter of a prominent nationalist philosopher, a war blogger, and another incident in which a writer was seriously hurt.

While the investigation by the Russian authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to Ukraine, in the case of Malyuk there is a voluntary admission on TV.

We will not officially admit this in any way, but at the same time I will tell you some details,” he said in an interview with a Ukrainian TV channel.

Reuters reported:

“‘Russia has turned over to Ukrainian authorities its demands … for the immediate arrest and extradition of all those connected to the terrorist acts in question’, the [Russian Ministry’s] statement said.

The ministry statement said those to be handed over included SBU head Vasyl Malyuk, who has acknowledged [in an interview with Ukrainian television channel ICTV] his service was behind attacks on the bridge linking Crimea to the Russian mainland […].

‘The Russian side demands that the Kyiv regime immediately cease all support for terrorist activity, extradite guilty parties and compensate the victims for damages’, it said.

‘Ukraine’s violation of its obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will result in it being held to account in international legal terms’.”

Here are some other excerpts by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

“Other barbaric terrorist attacks using explosive devices cost the lives of journalists D.A. Dugina and M.Yu. Fomin (V. Tatarsky), led to the serious injury of the writer E.N. Prilepin and the death of his driver A.I. Shubin, the death of five people as a result of the explosion of the Crimean Bridge, 42 people were injured in an explosion in a cafe in St. Petersburg.”

It does seem odd for a warring party to demand another to comply with treaties and conventions.

“In this regard, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted to the Ukrainian authorities demands within the framework of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings (ICBT) and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (ICFT) for the immediate arrest and extradition of all persons involved in these terrorist attacks.

Among these demands is the arrest of the head of the SBU V. Malyuk, who cynically admitted on March 25 that Ukraine organized the bombing of the Crimean Bridge in October 2022 and revealed details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation.

The fight against international terrorism is the responsibility of every state. The Russian side demands that the Kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over the perpetrators and compensate the damage caused to the victims. Violation of Ukraine’s obligations under anti-terrorist conventions will entail its international legal responsibility.”

Russian Telegram channel Slavyangrad reported:

“On March 25, 2024 AD, during an interview at the telethon of the Ukrainian television channel ICTV, the head of the SBU, Vasily Malyuk, confirmed the involvement of Kyiv in the [truck] bombing of the Crimean Bridge and other terrorist attacks on Russian territory

Still according to Malyuk:

“It was SBU that made the the explosive-filled figurine used to kill Vladlen Tatarsky, which contained ‘400 grams of thermobar’.

[…] It was the SBU that made the ‘800 grams of plastic explosives’ being used in the assassination attempt on Pro-Russian Separatist LPR Republic’s Prosecutor General Sergei Gorenk.

It was SBU agents were behind the assassination of the former Rada deputy Ilya Kiva (An Ukrainian Ultranationalist that defected to Russian side), which was shot with a 9×19 caliber pistol

It was SBU behind the assassination attempt on Zakhar Prilepin, which was prepared using anti-tank mine.”

Read more:

End of the Line for Ukraine? UK Paper The Times: ‘It’s Time We Talked About the Fall of Kiev’ – Zelensky: ‘We Are Trying To Find a Way Not to Retreat’

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Paul Serran is a Brazilian writer and musician, completing his first year as a contributor to The Gateway Pundit. He has written books, articles, TV programs, documentaries, plays. He joined the ‘Information war’ in 2017 and started writing for an international – predominantly American – audience. Unbanned in X | Truth Social | Telegram Channel

You can email Paul Serran here, and read more of Paul Serran’s articles here.

