Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans
Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short joined “60 Minutes” last night to discuss his upcoming book Going Infinite about disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.
Michael Lewis told the far left news program that the former finance CEO met with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the 2022 election. McConnell persuaded SBF to donate millions to his list of anti-Trump candidates.
Lewis told 60 Minutes that Sam Bankman-Fried donated millions to support Mitch McConnell’s anti-Trump GOP senate candidates.
Via Real Clear Politics:
60 MINUTES: To that end, Lewis writes that in 2022, Bankman-Fried met with the most unlikely of allies, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump.
JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: You’re flying with Sam and he tells you about a meeting he’s gonna have with Mitch McConnell.
MICHAEL LEWIS: Well, the interesting thing starts before we even get on the plane. I meet him at the airport, and he comes tumbling out of a car. And he’s in his cargo shorts and his T-shirt. And he’s got, balled up in his hand– it takes me a while to see what it is, but it’s a blue suit. It’s got more wrinkles than any blue suit ever had. It’s been just jammed into this little ball. (laughs) And a shoe, like, falls out of the pile that he’s got in his arms. And I said, like, “What– why you have the suit?” And he says– (laughs) he says, “Mi– Mitch McConnell really cares what you wear when you– (laughs) when you meet with him.” And he’s having dinner in six hours with Mitch McConnell. And I– I said, “Well, you got the suit. Is there– you got a belt?” He goes, “No. I don’t have a belt.” I said, “You got– you have a shirt?” He goes, “No. No shirt,” “and the suit, you really can’t really wear that suit.” And he goes, “Yeah. But they told me to bring a suit.”
60 MINUTES: According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump…
MICHAEL LEWIS: What is the subtext of this dinner, is Sam is gonna write tens of millions of dollars of checks to a super PAC that Mitch McConnell is then gonna use to get elected people who are not “hostile to democracy.”
JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: Wait. So, Mitch McConnell has a list of Republican candidates who are, sort of, on the playing field for democracy versus what he deemed outside?
MICHAEL LEWIS: He and his team had done the work to distinguish between actual deep Trumpers and people who were just seeming to approve of Donald Trump but we actually willing to govern.
It should be noted that McConnell refused to fund popular conservative candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.
Blake Masters lost on election day after the Maricopa County officials made sure the voting machines were not working that day in over 60 percent of the voting centers.

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