Shock Video: Polish Parliamentarian Uses Fire Extinguisher on Menorah at Hanukkah Ceremony | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

Shock Video: Polish Parliamentarian Uses Fire Extinguisher on Menorah at Hanukkah Ceremony

Grzegorz Braun, e pro-Russia member of the Confederation of the Polish Crown party in the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish parliament) used a fire extinguisher on a menorah at a Hanukkah ceremony at the parliament on Tuesday. Video posted online shows Braun spraying the large menorah, extinguishing the lit candles, becoming enveloped in a cloud as a crowd of reporters gathered around him.

Screen image via Patryk Michalski/X Twitter

“An incredible scandal. MP Grzegorz Braun extinguished the Hanukkah menorah with a fire extinguisher.”

The Guardian reported Braun’s response when confronted (excerpt):

Those around him can be heard saying: “you should be ashamed.”

He responds: “Those who take part in acts of the satanic cult should be ashamed.”

Braun reposted a comment by a woman upset with the Hanukkah display at the parliament.

“Yarmulkes, tallit, fringes, sidelocks and other excesses in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland! No to Hanukkah celebrations in the Polish parliament! I didn’t notice the Advent wreath in the building. We are ruled by servants of all nations, except for the servants of the Polish Nation”

In case there was any doubt as to his anti-Semitic motivation, Braun reposted a comment praising his anti-Semitism, “In the eyes of the media, the MP @GrzegorzBraun_ committed a serious crime – he dared to raise his hand against a Talmudic and Satanic cult, extremely hostile to Christianity. This cult justifies the murder of innocent Palestinians (including Christians) by Zionists. #FreePalestine”

A rabbi relit the candles after the incident.

Incoming Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk denounced Braun, according to ABC News, “New Prime Minister Donald Tusk called the incident a disgrace and said such a thing should never be repeated.”

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Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor’s articles here.

