Some Names On Jeffrey Epstein Associates List To Be Released After Confusion Surrounding Appeal

The disclosure of a list of more than 150 associates of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein will begin on Wednesday despite an appeal from a Jane Doe.

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York will begin publicizing the list Wednesday and hold off on naming three Jane Does until at least Jan. 22 after a judge granted one Jane Doe a 30 day extension, NewsNation confirmed Wednesday. (RELATED: JPMorgan Chase Agrees To Pay US Virgin Islands $75 Million To Settle Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit)

The outlet’s initial report indicated the release of all of the names on the list would be delayed. The Washington Examiner confirmed the names on Epstein’s list will start coming out Wednesday.

U.S. District Court Judge Loretta Preska granted the Jane Doe an extension on Dec. 21, but the court document did not become public until Tuesday, the day after the list of Epstein associates was originally scheduled to be released.

The Jane Doe, number 107 on the list, believes she could suffer from physical harm if the list of names is released because she lives in a “culturally conservative” foreign country, her attorney told the judge in a letter.

“As Doe 107 has previously stated, she lives outside the United States in a culturally conservative country and lives in fear of her name being released,” her attorney Richard Levitt stated.

Preska’s order on Dec. 18 does not appear to mention Jane Doe 107, a detail noted by Levitt in his request for an extension. She now has until Jan. 22, 2024, to submit an affidavit to support her assertion that her name becoming public puts her in harm’s way and provide details about the hate mail she has received.

Levitt is also allowed to turn over additional support for his client’s fear of physical harm.

The release of the Epstein associates list is connected to prominent Epstein accuser Virginia Guiffre’s long running litigation against Epstein’s partner Ghislaine Maxwell. Former President Bill Clinton is expected to unmasked when the list becomes publicized, ABC News reported.

Maxwell is serving a 20 year prison sentence for conspiring with Epstein to abuse minors. Epstein was found dead in August 2019 as he sat in a New York City jail cell awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges.

Jail cameras did not record Epstein’s death, which has been officially ruled a suicide.

This story has been updated with new information.
