“Someone Has to Pay for This! – There Will Be Retribution!” – Aunt of J6er Matt Perna Who Committed Suicide After Evil Biden Regime Slapped 1512(c) Charge on Him Reacts to SCOTUS Decision | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

“Someone Has to Pay for This! – There Will Be Retribution!” – Aunt of J6er Matt Perna Who Committed Suicide After Evil Biden Regime Slapped 1512(c) Charge on Him Reacts to SCOTUS Decision

Matthew Lawrence Perna (June 1984 — Feb. 2022)

Matthew Perna

Matthew Perna, a non-violent Trump supporter who was arrested after January 6, committed suicide. He was never accused of violence or vandalism. He walked inside the US Capitol.

The newly released Jan 6 footage shows Matthew Perna calmly walking through the Capitol alongside police.

His government targeted him, made up charges against him, and then destroyed him. In the end, it was too much.

In December, Matthew Perna pleaded guilty to felony obstruction of Congress and three misdemeanor charges associated with his entry into the Capitol on Jan 6, the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia reported. He had been scheduled for sentencing on March 3.

Matthew Perna was 37 years old when he put a rope around his neck and took his own life.

On Friday, June 28, 2024, the US Supreme Court threw out the 1512(c) charges that were made up to target and ruin Trump supporters who attended the protests on January 6, 2021. Violence broke out that day after Nancy Pelosi and General Mark Milley refused to bring in National Guard members to protect the US Capitol that day as President Trump had requested.

Matthew Perna committed suicide after the government decided to add on the 1512(c) charge on top of his misdemeanors to purposely lengthen his time in prison and ruin his life.

On Wednesday, Matthew Perna’s Aunt went on Tipping Point on OAN to discuss this latest Supreme Court opinion. Geri Perna wants those individuals who are responsible for her nephews death to face justice for their evil actions.

Geri Perna: I just started sobbing. And it was a sobbing about what could have been if this had not happened to Matt. I am more than grateful that the motion, that the charge was overturned by Skotas. But it Because it benefits the January 6thers that are still living. But for those that are gone, this is just a slap in the face. This was a very difficult day for me when I heard this news. I sobbed the entire day because Matthew is dead, and he’s dead because he was afraid to go to prison for several years over a charge that we now know was misused.

So who is going to fix this now? No one can fix it for my nephew. And what about the January 6ers who have been in prison already for three years or have already completed their sentences for this felony? Are you going to give their lives back to them somehow? How? That’s my question…

…Matthew was charged with the same four felonies that everybody else is, parading, truspassing, the same four misdemeanors. And then a couple of weeks later, he was slapped with the felony of an obstruction of official proceeding. And Matt had gone into the Capitol. He was in there 14 minutes. There’s video footage. Unfortunately, the video footage was just recently released this year that showed him him peacefully walking past five or six Capitol police officers, holding his cell phone up in the air, just as he told the prosecutor that he had done.

He was going to plead guilty. He did plead guilty. Then in the last minute, the prosecutor came back with this threat of a terrorism enhancement (the 1512(c) charge). That would have taken Matt’s sentence to upwards of 9, 10 years in prison, and it was more than he could take. He killed himself. He hanged himself in his garage at 37 years old. And the day before Skotas made this decision last week would have been Matt’s 40th birthday. And I had to call his dad and his brother and tell them that it had been overturned by the Supreme Court. That was a very difficult phone call for me to make because it just reiterated to me and my family that Matt killed himself over nothing. Nothing.

And someone has to pay for this. Somehow, somewhere, someday, there will be retribution for this.

Via OAN.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

