Someone Keeps Punching Young New York Women In The Face And City’s Dem Leadership Is Doing Nothing About It

An epidemic of New York City women being randomly punched in the face is sweeping the increasingly dystopian city and Democratic leadership is doing nothing to stop it.

At least seven women have come forward in recent weeks with stories of being randomly assaulted while walking in Manhattan and other boroughs.

The most recent incident came Tuesday, when 33-year-old Franz Jeudy allegedly attacked 57-year-old Dulce Pichardo in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, according to ABC 7 New York.

Pichardo suffered a broken jaw, numerous facial fractures, a permanently damaged lip and lost three teeth, she told the outlet. She had to get her jaw wired shut and can only consume liquids for six weeks, according to ABC,

Jeudy was charged with misdemeanor assault, a crime that in New York is not bail-eligible, meaning he will be released back onto the streets, according to ABC.

“Every time I see a man, I cross,” Pichardo told ABC. “I’m not going to be close to nobody. I’m very afraid. I tell my son where I’m going, I want you to walk with me.”

Jeudy has seven prior arrests for assault, according to ABC.

Halley Kate, a popular influencer with over a million followers on TikTok, recounted a similar experience in a Monday TikTok video which has nearly 50 million views.

“You guys, I was literally just walking and a man came up and punched me in the face. Oh my God it hurts so bad I can’t even talk,” she claimed in the video.

@halleykate♬ original sound – halley

Her admission prompted a slew of other popular female influencers to share their stories.

Mikayla Toninato shared a similar video a day afterward, noting that after she told her friends about her assault they told her about Halley’s viral encounter.

@mikaylatoninato @halley ♬ original sound – mikayla

At least two other TikTokers shared stories of their assaults, which all had similar details, in the last six or seven weeks. (RELATED: Bethenny Frankel Breaks Her Silence After Being Punched In The Face In New York)

this is so nuts there are a bunch of women getting punched in the face in nyc rn all over tiktok. i don’t know if it’s all the same guy some of the stories seem slightly different but some of them seem similar

— youngmi mayer (@ymmayer) March 26, 2024

Police arrested Halley’s alleged assailant Wednesday, taking 40-year-old Skiboky Stora into custody Wednesday and charging him with assault, according to the New York Post.

Stora, a repeatedly failed political candidate in the city, is likely not the lone suspect in the growing scourge of assaults on Big Apple women.

Failed political candidate and alleged assailant Skiboky Skora poses for a video on his own YouTube channel. Screenshot/YouTube/Skiboky!

Failed political candidate and alleged assailant Skiboky Skora poses for a video on his own YouTube channel. Screenshot/YouTube/Skiboky!

Police arrested another suspect, 30-year-old Malik Miah, in Greenwich Village on Thursday for his alleged assault on Toninato, ABC 7 News reported.

Miah was also charged with misdemeanor assault and, again, as that charge is not bail-eligible, he was released to the public on supervised release, ABC reported.

The city’s loose bail reform laws have come under fire recently after alleged 21-time arrestee, Guy Rivera, allegedly shot and killed NYPD officer Jonathan Diller.

Many, including former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, have blasted current city and state leadership for their bail reforms that critics say have led to increased violence.

“The White House called one of the people who made it happen — Mayor Adams — for his inability to get the bail law reform. He’s had three years to do that,” Giuliani told NewsMax on Friday.

He also laid into “one of the most idiotic, moronic members of the New York Legislature,” Speaker Carl Heastie, who he claimed “said yesterday that punishment doesn’t deter crime.”

Heastie appeared to advocate for that position while he spoke to press Tuesday. “I just don’t believe raising penalties is ever a deterrent on crime,” Heastie said, according to a New York Post report.

“Well I’d like to suggest to the half-wit that punishment does deter a crime,” Giuliani told NewsMax. “If [Guy Rivera] were in jail, which he should have been, Officer Diller would be alive today.”
