Steve Scalise DOES NOT Currently Have the Floor Votes to Become the Next House Speaker – Here Are the GOP Members Who’ve Publicly Declared Opposition | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Steve Scalise DOES NOT Currently Have the Floor Votes to Become the Next House Speaker – Here Are the GOP Members Who’ve Publicly Declared Opposition

Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Speaker-designate Steve Scalise (R-LA) finds himself in a precarious position despite winning the internal GOP nomination for Speaker of the House.

After defeating House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) in a slim 113-99 closed-door victory, Scalise is now struggling to secure the floor votes needed to officially take the gavel.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, House Republicans held a closed vote on Wednesday to select a new nominee for Speaker of the House. This internal vote came in the wake of Kevin McCarthy’s removal from the Speaker’s chair, a move initiated by Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Motion to Vacate the Chair.

The internal vote to nominate Scalise as the GOP candidate for Speaker was far from a landslide. Scalise won by a narrow margin.

The majority of conservatives were not happy with the outcome of the close vote.

“113 RINOS part from Jim Jordan. What a disgrace — Scalise is McCarthy in the flesh. It’s time for the conservatives in the party to rise up once again and reject RINOS from leadership!” wrote Fox News anchor Lou Dobbs.

Lou Dobbs previously wrote, “Scalise is a nice guy but let’s remember, Scalise is a descendant of Kevin McCarthy, a descendant of Paul Ryan, a descendant of John Boehner. Republicans: This is your chance to end the Swamp’s corrupt business as usual — it’s time for real change!”

Political commentator and influencer Catturd wrote, “Republican voters overwhelmingly wanted Jim Jordan over Steve Scalise for Speaker – so naturally the Republican Party did a secret ballot behind closed doors to pick Steve Scalise.And now they still don’t have the votes to even take it to the floor and vote. Train wreck,” he wrote.

At least six Republicans have publicly stated they will vote for Jordan on the House floor, according to The Hill.

  • Voting for someone other than Scalise: 7
    • Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) — voting for Rep. Jim Jordan
    • Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) — voting for Rep. Jim Jordan
    • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) — voting for Rep. Jim Jordan
    • Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) — voting for Rep. Jim Jordan
    • Rep. Max Miller (R-OH) — voting for Rep. Jim Jordan
    • Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) — voting for Rep. Jim Jordan
    • Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) — voting for Rep. Kevin McCarthy
  • Not yet supporting Scalise and undecided: 6
    • Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)
    • Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX)
    • Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
    • Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX)
    • Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN)
    • Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)

“I just voted for Jim Jordan for Speaker on a private ballot in conference, and I will be voting for Jim Jordan on the House floor,” Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote.

“I like Steve Scalise, and I like him so much that I want to see him defeat cancer more than sacrifice his health in the most difficult position in Congress. I lost my father to cancer and it’s a very serious battle. We need a Speaker who is able to put their full efforts into defeating the communist democrats and save America.

“We must stop funding foreign wars – Ukraine. We must stop the weaponized government and hold them accountable. We must secure our border. We must protect our kids. And we need a full leadership team dedicated to this fight in these unprecedented times,” she added.

Boebert wrote, “I will be voting for Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House on the floor when the vote is called. In conference, Jordan received 99 votes and Scalise received 113. We had a chance to unify the party behind closed doors, but the Swamp and K Street lobbyists prevented that. The American people deserve a real change in leadership, not a continuation of the status quo.”

I will be voting for Jim Jordan for Speaker on the floor,” Nancy Mace wrote.

“I voted for Jim Jordan in the Republican Conference today. I also voted for us to stay in conference until someone gets the required support of 217. No one received a majority of 221 eligible voting members. I am still supporting Jordan. The country cannot afford the status quo,” Bob Good wrote.

“The House GOP Conference is broken. So we oust Kevin McCarthy and all other leaders are rewarded with promotions? How does that make sense or change anything? We need to chart a different path forward. In the meantime, I plan to vote for Jim Jordan on the floor,” Smucker wrote.

Meanwhile, McCarthy ouster Matt Gaetz announced that he will vote for Scalise on the House floor.

“Can’t wait to go vote for Steve Scalise,” said Gaetz, adding, “Long live Speaker Scalise.”

According to Axios, Jordan will vote for Scalise after winning the nomination and urges his fellow lawmakers to follow suit.

According to the Liberty Score, a grade assigned by Conservative Review to federal officeholders, Jim Jordan has a 94% rating, while Steve Scalise has only a 58% rating, which is 4% higher than McCarthy at 54%.

The Liberty Score is based on the top 50 votes that an officeholder has taken in a rolling 6-year window, rather than just the last election-cycle.

“It assigns grades to members of Congress based on their top 50 votes over a period of six years. This way, you can easily see if a lawmaker is really supporting conservative principles,” said political commentator Jewels Jones. “The Liberty Score® helps you assess your representatives and senators, empowering you to distinguish between mere words and actual actions. Now, we understand that no elected official is flawless, but we definitely expect them to keep their promises.”

Photo of author

Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

