Support J6 Children This Christmas With One Simple Act Of Kindness | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe

Support J6 Children This Christmas With One Simple Act Of Kindness

The Patriot Mail Project is hosting its annual J6 Christmas Drive for the children of political hostages, the often forgotten victims of that day left behind with no one to provide for them.   

Many of the children of America’s political hostages were present when the FBI raided their homes and dragged their father or mother away for their “role in the Capitol riot” and handled like serial killers and terrorists.

Biden’s stormtroopers have even pointed the laser beams of their guns at these children’s heads while apprehending their parents in predawn raids. Many of these kids are mocked and bullied in schools as mainstream disseminates reports about their “insurrectionist” parents.

The majority of J6 defendants are men and fathers, the breadwinners of their families, and roughly 80 percent of the roughly 1,211 J6 defendants are veterans. As they languish in pretrial detention, their families bear the grunt of paying exorbitant legal fees for years on end, and there’s no telling when their incarcerated loved one will return home.

The arbitrary sentencing applied to J6 defendants ranges from a month-long prison sentence to 22 years, the highest sentence handed to a defendant who wasn’t even in Washington DC on January 6.

At this very moment, Chris Wray and the FBI are plotting more raids on innocent Americans who attended the J6 protests. Meanwhile, employers refuse to hire family members who are targeted by the FBI for protesting, leaving some on the brink of homelessness.

Last year, PMP raised over $50,000 to purchase Christmas gifts for over 70 children of J6ers.

As the DOJ continues to charge and arrest more protesters, the group is helping even more children this year. PMP is sending the families of J6ers gift cards to ease the additional financial burden of holiday expenses amid record inflation. 



This year PMP has raised $20,293 in donations, allowing the organization to send $122.99 to each J6 child.

But sending letters of support to these kids is just as important, Paula Calloway, PMP founder, contends.

“We divide the money between the number of children that we have, and we go out and we buy gift cards to send to each of the children,” Calloway told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview. “But you know, we’d love to get the Christmas cards.
“I want them to all do good as far as the financial aspect goes — my goal is to have about $300 per child. We’ll see if we get there this year or not. But the most important thing to me is — I would love to see each child receive 100 Christmas cards from strangers from across the country,” she continued. “These children go to school, they hear bad things about their mom or dad. They turn on the TV, they hear bad things again about their mom and dad. I can imagine being a child and hearing these things about my parents — I would just be devastated. I wouldn’t know how to feel.
“If we can restore their faith, that people don’t really view their parents that way — I know that some people do, but I don’t think the majority of Americans do–  just that kind of reassurance for those children, would probably mean more than the financial donations. I want to relieve their financial stress at Christmas time the best that we can. But something that can just bring some joy to these children and some reassurance that people do not look at their parents the way that they probably feel that they do.”
PMP is also hosting The 12 Days of Christmas Benefit Auction, a series of online silent bid auctions with unique items and gifts up or bid to help fill your Santa’s wish list, maybe even find a little something special for yourself.
A lectern made by Adam Johnson, a J6er known as the “Lectern Guy” who served two months in prison for grabbing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s podium and posing for photographs with it during the U.S. Capitol riot, is among items that have garnered the highest bids.

who grabbed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s podium and posed for photographs with it during the U.S. Capitol riot was sentenced on Friday to more than two months in prison.


The PMP website maintains records of the birthdates, home states and veteran statuses of the political prisoners and updates a database of their mailing addresses to ensure we can all find where they are to send them words of encouragement.
According to the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics report, suicides were the leading cause of jail deaths between 2000 and 2019, totaling 6,217 — 30 percent of all deaths in local jails. In 2019, the suicide rate in jails was over two times that of the general public.

2020 Reuters investigation corroborates the Justice Department’s finding that suicides are a top cause of jail deaths, noting a significant proportion of people who land in jail are from marginalized communities and grapple with symptoms of poverty, primarily substance abuse and mental illness, as well as unemployment and homelessness.

Register and participate in this benefit auction and help support this great cause here.


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Alicia is an investigative journalist and multimedia reporter. Alicia’s work is featured on numerous outlets including the Gateway Pundit, Project Veritas, Red Voice Media, World Net Daily, Townhall and Media Research Center, where she uncovers fraud and abuse in government, media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and public corruption. Alicia has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She served in the Correspondence Department of the George W. Bush administration and as a War Room analyst for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee.

You can email Alicia Powe here, and read more of Alicia Powe’s articles here.

