Take Our Border Back convoy expected to draw 700,000 protesters

A trucking convoy traveling across the United States is seeking people upset over the influx of illegal immigrants entering the country to join its protest, with the southern border as the destination.

The Take Our Border Back convoy is a two-week demonstration organized by the self-proclaimed “God’s Army,” coming from across the U.S. The convoy plans to meet in Dripping Springs, Texas, and then split into two groups that will head to either Yuma, Arizona, or Quemado, Texas.

“To the naysayers: We’re just ordinary citizens, farmers, ranchers, retired police officers,” convoy organizer Kim Yeater said. “Not crazy conspiracy theorists. It will be a peaceful assembly of Americans of all political classes and all ethnicities.”

Yeater said the convoy’s goal is to have around 700,000 people join it on the journey to Texas, adding that he thinks “it’ll possibly be bigger than that.” He stressed that the convoy does not oppose immigration but rather believes that illegal crossings have gotten out of hand.

Bruce Poppy, one of the convoy members, said people need to make their voices heard.

“That’s our right,” Poppy said. “That is our First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and redress our grievances for our government. We have not been able to do that.”


The protest comes as Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) remains at odds with the Biden administration over securing the border. The feud escalated after the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government has the constitutional power to remove barbed wire from the southern border, though the Texas National Guard has continued to install wire.

Amid the feud between Texas and the Biden administration, over two dozen Republican governors penned a letter supporting Abbott’s course of action. Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) has requested her state legislature host a joint session so she can brief state lawmakers about the “war zone” taking place along the U.S. southern border.
