Texas Schools Fund Terminates $8.5 Billion Investment with BlackRock | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Texas Schools Fund Terminates $8.5 Billion Investment with BlackRock

Texas State Board of Education Chairman Aaron Kinsey announced that the Texas Permanent School Fund (PSF) delivered an official notice to BlackRock Inc. terminating an $8.5 billion investment with the firm.

BlackRock, Inc., an American multinational investment management corporation and the world’s largest asset manager,
has embraced ESG Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing (ESG).

In 2021, William Hild, Executive Director of Consumers’ Research, sent a letter to the governors of the 10 states with the top 10 state pension funds invested with BlackRock with a consumer warning.

Hild wrote, “Later today, Consumers’ Research, the nation’s oldest consumer advocacy organization, will issue a Consumer Warning focused on the world’s largest money management firm, BlackRock. The warning is meant to raise awareness among American consumers that BlackRock is taking their money and betting on China. In so doing they are putting American security at risk, along with billions of dollars from U.S. investors, including many state-run pension plans. I wanted to make sure that you were aware that your state is one of the top ten states whose public pension funds are invested in BlackRock and, therefore, potentially at risk based on the issues we outline in our Consumer Warning.”

“For these reasons and more, Consumers’ Research wants to ensure you are aware of the risks associated with investing with BlackRock. We urge elected officials to do their due diligence in educating themselves and their staff on the multiple risks posed by BlackRock’s extensive investments in Chinese companies, both from an ethical standpoint as well as the fiduciary responsibility owed to U.S. pension holders and retirees. As the leader of a state whose pension funds are among the top ten most extensively invested in BlackRock, we invite you to examine our report and conduct any necessary efforts to learn more about the risks to the assets of your state’s public employees.”

In December of 2021, the State of Florida removed $2 billion in assets from BlackRock.

In the announcement of the removal of Texas’ $8.5 billion investment, Kinsey said in a statement:

“The Texas Permanent School Fund (PSF) has a fiduciary duty to protect Texas schools by safeguarding and growing the approximately $1 billion in annual oil and gas royalties managed by the Texas General Land Office.

Today, PSF leadership delivered an official notice to global asset manager BlackRock terminating its financial management of approximately $8.5 billion in Texas assets Terminating BlackRock’s contract ensures PS’s full compliance with Texas law.

The PSF S relationship with BlackRock was not in compliance with Texas Government Code Section 809, commonly referred to as Senate Bill 13, which prohibits state investment in companies like BlackRock that boycott energy companies.

BlackRock’s dominant and persistent leadership in the ESG movement immeasurably damages our states oil & gas economy and the very companies that generate revenue for our PSF. Texas and the PSF have worked hard to grow this fund to build Texas’ schools. BlackRock’s destructive approach toward the energy companies that this state and our world depend on is incompatible with our fiduciary duty to Texans.

Today represents a major step forward for the Texas PSF and our state as a whole. The PSF will not stand idle as our financial future is attacked by Wall Street. This bold action helps ensure our PSF remains in fact permanent and will continue to support bright futures and opportunities for generations of Texas students.”

In 2021, the Texas legislature approved Senate Bill 13, which requires state entities, including state pension funds and Texas’ school endowment, to divest from companies that cut ties with or “boycott” fossil fuel companies.

