The Definition of Gaslighting: Old Joe Biden Lays Out Democrat’s Tyrannical Plan for America – Then Blames It on Republicans and Calls MAGA the Greatest Threat to Our Nation (VIDEO)
This is the definition of gaslighting.
This is the definition of evil.
Joe Biden’s handlers posted a video of Joe Biden viciously attacking Trump supporters. Biden describes every tactic of the left’s power grab on every single institution in America today – then twists reality to say these are traits of MAGA.
Biden blames MAGA Republicans as the greatest threat to America today.
Thank goodness Democrats have perfected election fraud. No clear-thinking American suffering through this dismal presidency would ever vote for more of this BS, failure and deceit. And Democrats know this.
Here is Old Joe Biden describing Democrats but blaming MAGA in a tweet posted earlier today.
Old Joe Biden: Seizing power, concentrating power, tempting to abuse power, purging and packing key institutions, spewing conspiracy theories, spreading lies for profit and power to divide America in every way inciting violence against those who risk their lives to keep America safe, weaponizing against the very soul of who we are as Americans.
This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. But it’s also a threat to the character of our nation.
This is the same guy who indicted his chief political opponent 91 times!
Joe Biden just described the Democrat Party from their movement to defund and demonize the police, to packing all of the institutions of power, to pushing the most outlandish conspiracy theories in human history, all for power!
And they blame this on MAGA – the middle class Americans who want to keep America strong and prosperous.
You really have to appreciate their blatant deceit!
MAGA Republicans attempting to abuse power and spread conspiracy theories are a threat to the character of our nation.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 30, 2023

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