The Hollywood Attorney Identified As Hunter Biden’s Financial Benefactor Is Reportedly Helping Pay His Legal Bills

Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris, the man identified as the third party benefactor who paid $2 million of Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes, is reportedly paying a substantial portion of the younger Biden’s mounting legal bills.

Hunter Biden’s legal bills have exceeded $10 million since 2018 and he is struggling to raise money to fund his ongoing legal efforts, CNN reported Wednesday. Morris has covered some of Hunter Biden’s legal bills and encouraged him to aggressively fight ongoing investigations led by House Republicans, an unnamed source close to Hunter Biden told the outlet. (RELATED: ‘On Behalf Of The Family’: Hunter Biden’s Uncle Thanked Lawyer Who Allegedly Paid $2 Million Of Hunter’s Taxes)

Nice reporting here from CNN, except that it buries the lede about Kevin Morris covering a substantial portion of Hunter Biden’s legal bills. Morris is the third party who paid $2 million of Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes and got thanked “on behalf of the family” for doing so.

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) October 4, 2023

The New York Post and The New York Times identified Morris in May 2022 as the financial benefactor who paid $2 million of Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes. The younger Biden’s failed guilty plea confirms a third party paid roughly $2 million of his tax burden spread across multiple years but the document does not name the third party.

Morris is known for his legal work on behalf of the creators of comedy show “South Park” and the musical, “The Book of Mormon.”

Hunter Biden’s legal bills are potentially exceeding $1 million per month due to his legal troubles, according to the New York Post. Morris advised Hunter Biden to bring Abbe Lowell onto his defense counsel to handle his legal issues, CNN previously reported. Lowell has written letters to Congress and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss criticizing Republican House investigators, as well as the two IRS whistleblowers who accused DOJ officials of slow-walking and obstructing the Hunter Biden case. (RELATED: IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley’s Attorneys Debunk False Claims From Hunter Biden’s Lawyer)

Hunter Biden’s uncle and business partner, James Biden, thanked Morris for helping Biden “on behalf of the family,” according to an internal IRS memo released Sept. 27 by the House Ways and Means Committee.

“James B thought that the money was significant enough that RHB asked his uncle to say something to Morris and thank him. James B didn’t recall a specific discussion only to say thank you ‘on behalf of the family,’” the document reads.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley flagged Morris’ alleged payment in a May 2021 memo describing potential “campaign finance criminal violations” that were allegedly ignored by Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf. Shapley testified to the Ways and Means Committee in May about Morris’ payment as part of his allegations Hunter Biden received special treatment from Wolf and other DOJ investigators. (RELATED: IRS Whistleblower Was Removed From Hunter Biden Case After Rift With Top Prosecutor, IRS Officials Testify)

.@RepJasonSmith: “Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf ordered investigators NOT to pursue leads into possible campaign finance violations.

We know that over $2 million of Hunter Biden’s tax liabilities were paid off by a big Democrat Party donor and Hollywood lawyer.”

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 28, 2023

“And, then ultimately, in late 2019-2020, a Kevin Patrick Morris comes into the picture. And he was described as meeting Hunter Biden at a campaign finance event. And he paid off several different tranches of tax due and owing, to include Federal and D.C. tax due and owing,” Shapley testified.

Republican Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, brought up Morris’ alleged financial support during the first impeachment inquiry hearing into President Joe Biden. Prior to the hearing, the committee released the internal IRS memos as part of a trove of documents substantiating the testimony from Shapley and IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler.

Hunter Biden and Morris recently spoke for five hours at Morris’ residence in Los Angeles, Daily Mail reported. Axios reporter Alex Thompson, known for his sources in Biden world, was spotted leaving the property as Hunter Biden walked in, according to Daily Mail.

Axios Reporter Alex Thompson spotted leaving the property of Hunter Biden’s financial benefactor Kevin Morris as Hunter came by to meet his pal, per Daily Mail. Wondering what to make of this because Thompson is well sourced in Biden world.

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) September 30, 2023

Hunter Biden’s mounting legal problems include the ongoing Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into his taxes and firearms possession and the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into his foreign business dealings. The Oversight Committee subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden’s bank records following the first impeachment inquiry hearing.

In addition, Biden is suing the IRS because of the whistleblower disclosures alongside his lawsuits against former Trump attorney Rudy Guiliani and former Trump aide Garrett Ziegler for disseminating the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop archive. Ziegler’s publicly available database of Hunter Biden’s laptop archive has been used by the Daily Caller and numerous media outlets to report on its contents.

Hunter Biden’s legal team expected to raise money from supporters of Joe Biden to pay off his legal bills and considered establishing a legal defense fund for their client, sources told CNN. Neither of those alleged efforts materialized as Hunter Biden’s legal struggles continue to mount.

“Nobody will help him financially,” a person close to Hunter Biden told the outlet. It’s unclear if payments to the younger Biden by Joe Biden’s supporters would constitute a campaign finance violation as the president runs for reelection.

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty Tuesday to three federal gun charges at an arraignment in Delaware. His legal team plans on using the Second Amendment to defend him from the gun charges, Lowell said at the arraignment, according to the Associated Press.

“His legal bills are only going to grow as this gets closer to trial,” a source familiar with the matter told CNN. Members of Hunter Biden’s legal team are holding out hope the gun charges will be resolved with a settlement before potentially going to trial, but no meaningful settlement discussions have taken place, a source on Hunter Biden’s legal team told the outlet.

Biden was indicted in September on three counts related to his October 2018 purchase of a Colt Cobra revolver in Delaware while he was allegedly addicted to crack cocaine. He faces a maximum of 25 years in prison for the charges.
