This Took Guts: Totally Useless RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Lectures MAGA Base on How to Win Elections
On Tuesday, the US House of Representatives voted to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House after he refused to keep his commitments to several members of his Republican caucus after nine months as Speaker.
RNC Chair later went on FOX Business Network, where she lectured MAGA voters on how to win elections – something she has not done since she took over the RNC several years ago.
McDaniel even managed to watch the landslide victory for President Trump slip away several days after the 2020 election. She did nothing then. She has done nothing to this day to secure our elections from voter fraud, registration fraud, and mail-in ballot fraud.
Catturd had the best response: Look in the mirror.
If Ronna wants to know why Republicans aren’t winning, she needs to look in the mirror.
She’s totally useless.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) October 5, 2023
The Gateway Pundit has published several reports over the years on the Republican Party’s failures.
This same weak and irrelevant RNC would not even speak out when the Democrats arrested President Trump!
Here are a few reminders of the RNC's worthlessness.
"Trump says this. He says that they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way. He is exactly right. The left is at war with us. They want single party rule in this country, and they’re winning the war because frankly, it’s not a hard war to win considering the Republicans aren’t even showing up to the battlefield. I mean, where the hell is the Republican National Committee? Where the hell are the Republican AGs or Republican prosecutors? I mean, my God, why isn’t every Republican member of Congress holding a press conference outside of the White House right now as we speak? The Republican Party is spineless and we just roll over constantly," said Caroline Wren during an interview with Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon: Most importantly is the end of the ancient regime of the Republican Party. The McCain faction was taken out two weeks ago. We now got Alaska with Murkowski. And, of course, the Cheney junta up in Wyoming is about to be brought down by the people of that great state about MAGA policies. It’s not just that she’s going after Trump but she’s a neo-liberal, neocon. This party, 85-90% of the people who vote in this party are not neoliberal neocons. They don’t want to fight forever-wars. They don’t want a burgeoning administrative state. You know Cheney and Bush had every opportunity to cut that. They increased it…
And this...
The RNC, with all the funding, all the staff, all the connections, cannot generate a competent canvassing list. If you believe that 2024 is the election that determines the survival of America as you know it, and the political organization that covers half of the electorate is demonstrably incompetent, what do you do?

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