TOM RENZ: Is Congress Funding Illegal Immigration or Helping the People of Ukraine? | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

TOM RENZ: Is Congress Funding Illegal Immigration or Helping the People of Ukraine?

Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

Is Congress Funding Illegal Immigration or Helping the People of Ukraine?

Republished with permission from Tom Renz.

As of today, the United States has spent approximately $175 billion on the war in Ukraine. Depending on who you ask this is about saving people from war, stopping Russian aggression, preserving the security of European allies, or preventing any of a plethora of other geopolitical outcomes. These arguments carry varying amounts of weight but if our goal is truly to end aggression in Ukraine then one would expect that nearly every dime of this money would either be being used to fight or assist the war ravaged people of Ukraine – right? Unfortunately that is not happening… in fact, it may surprise people to know that this bill may actually be funding the Biden Harris border invasion here in the US.

In this article I am focusing on the latest spending bill from Congress that was supported on both sides of the aisle. I do not believe this bill had much to do with Ukraine. The bill offers enough assistance to keep the war going for sure but isn’t going to do much of anything for the people suffering from the war and will do even less to actually win or stop the war. By the way, the total price tag of this bill was $61 billion so let’s discuss what was in it.

The second major part of the bill provides about $1.6 billion in loans and grants through the State Department for Ukraine (and possibly others) to buy American weapons and provisions. The third part of the bill has nothing to do with Ukraine, but rather, is about increasing defensive manufacturing capabilities.

Beyond this there are tons of other substantial spends. Things like $481 million for refugee assistance. This money of course is in an Ukraine bill but if you read the paragraph below you will see that the money is not actually required to be spent on refugees or immigrants from Ukraine. It is distinctly possible that the Biden/Harris regime has been using this money for assistance on the southern border but that is not confirmed.

In fact, the provision above cites to 8 USC 1522(c)(1)(A) which is the immigrant resettlement program Biden/Harris are using to send illegals all over the country (the same people Nancy Pelosi wants to buy houses for and allow to vote). Ukraine needs every single able-bodied person available for this war and I’ve not heard much about Ukrainian resettlement in America. Is this a slush fund for Biden/Harris to push their illegal immigration agenda?

There is also a provision giving Biden a $1.6 billion blank check to give to anyone he wants as long as he can tie it to Ukraine. Understand that this provision is written so broadly that this money is essentially a blank check for Biden to do whatever he wants, all he has to do is say that the country he is giving the money to is “impacted by the situation in Ukraine.” That argument could literally be made for any country in the world.

Laughingly – this was all done under the auspices of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act… something Congress does not seem to concerned with generally.

Again – there is a substantial amount of other spending in this bill but the point is that the “Ukraine” bill that we HAD to pass to help the people of Ukraine was actually just a defense spending bill. It was designed to spend money we do not have with American defense companies and very little – if any – of the money we were using “for Ukraine” was actually for Ukraine.

Call me a cynic but it seems that this bill was far less about Ukraine and far more about propping up the failing US economy with defense spending and funneling money to the Biden open border agenda. In fact, according to CSIS, 72% of the money in this bill and 86% of the military aid will be spent in the United States. This bill is NOT going to help the citizens on the ground in Ukraine. It is not a humanitarian bill, it is not going to do much to “win” the war and definitely will not stop the war, and it is NOT what we were told it was. This is a bill that funnels money to Biden and Harris to use on illegal immigration, funds defense companies in the US, and keeps the war going. In fact, discussion around the bill acknowledges that this money will begin running out in Jan of 2025 – after the election – when we will be asked to spend more.

I’m a humanitarian and all for ending war and supporting PEOPLE affected by war. Nearly none of this money will do any of that. Between the corrupt way this bill was written and the corruption in the Ukrainian government I doubt the people of Ukraine will get anything significant from this $61 billion bill funded by money America had to print. The people that will win are the politicians and the illegals Biden will use this money to “resettle” all over America.

It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you are on, whether you support helping the people of Ukraine or oppose it, this bill should anger everyone. It was sold to us on a lie and was nothing but a pork fest for the corrupt leadership of both parties. If you are a Trump supporter this bill should upset you even more. With all the reports of the Democrats pushing for illegals to vote this seems like a massive move to support the illegal immigration they are looking for to undermine a Trump 20224 win. The question I have is why were so many Republicans so eager to support this.

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