Trump says controversial language on immigrants ‘gets people thinking’ – Washington Examiner

Former President Donald Trump defended his rhetoric on immigrants, suggesting that it “gets people thinking about very important issues.”

Trump appeared on Mediabuzz Sunday, where he was asked about his controversial choice of words. The presidential candidate used the phrase “poisoning the blood” during a December rally in Durham, New Hampshire, which critics said was a quote used by Adolf Hitler. According to Trump, he did not know it was rhetoric once used by the Nazi leader.

“I didn’t know that, but that’s what they say because our country is being poisoned,” Trump said. “We can be nice about it. We can talk about, oh, I wanna be politically correct, but we have people coming in from prisons and jails, long-term murderers, people with sentences that the rest of their lives are going to spend in some jail and some country that many people have never even heard of. They’re all being released to our country.”

Trump also implied the increased media coverage he receives after he says something controversial can be beneficial.

“It also gets people thinking about very important issues that if you don’t use certain rhetoric, if you don’t use certain words, and maybe are not very nice words, nothing will happen. That did stir debate, but it happens to be true,” Trump said. “They’re coming in at numbers that no country has ever seen before; it’s not sustainable, and in many cases, they’re not good people. And you have a new form of crime; it’s called migrant crime.”


President Joe Biden has spent his administration enacting over 90 executive orders to undo former Trump‘s border policies, among them Title 42, which restricted immigration amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In January, 242,587 immigrants attempted to enter the United States. This is in addition to the more than 10 million immigrants who have reportedly entered the country illegally since Biden took office. It is the most recorded in that amount of time of any administration. 
