Trump team flips script on Biden in new memo: ‘Real and compelling threat to our Democracy’

Trump team flips script on Biden in new memo: ‘Real and compelling threat to our Democracy’

January 02, 2024 05:50 PM

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is using President Joe Biden’s and his campaign’s strategy against them, declaring the president the real “threat to our Democracy” in a new memo.

Trump campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles addressed the state of the 2024 race in an email Tuesday, mostly brushing off the approaching Republican nominating contests and framing the election as a matchup between Trump and Biden.


In the email, Wiles and LaCivita warn readers that “Joe Biden and his allies are a real and compelling threat to our Democracy.”

“In fact, in a way never seen before in our history, they are waging a war against it,” the campaign managers wrote.

The memo from Trump’s campaign flips the script on the attack frequently used by Biden and his campaign that have posited Trump as a threat to democracy instead. During a campaign reception in Bethesda, Maryland, last month, Biden said that “the greatest threat Trump poses is to our democracy.”

He continued, “Because if we lose, we lose everything.”

Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, similarly attacked Trump as a threat, saying the “threat Donald Trump posed in 2020 to American democracy has only grown more dire since then.”

“We are treating this election like it will determine the fate of American democracy – because it will,” she said in a campaign memo. “He is running a campaign on revenge and retribution – and at the expense of Americans’ freedoms.”

Biden’s campaign did not provide comment to the Washington Examiner.

However, the memo also is not the first time that Trump has moved to position Biden as the enemy of democracy and not the other way around. At a campaign event last month in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Trump accused Biden of “weaponizing government against his political opponents like a third world political tyrant.”

“Biden and his radical left allies like to pose as standing up as allies of democracy,” he said. But, Trump claimed, “Joe Biden is not the defender of American democracy; Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy.”

In the memo, Trump’s campaign officials began by denouncing the “unprecedented indictments by the political opposition” against Trump, which they argue aren’t simply aimed at the former president but are actually “indictments against millions of freedom-loving, hardworking Americans across this country.”

Trump Indictment Capitol Riot
Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles stand outside after Trump arrived at the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Federal Courthouse, Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023, in Washington.

Alex Brandon/AP

According to LaCivita and Wiles, “These Deep State actors are hell-bent on marching your kids into another foreign war, taking away your rights under the Constitution, and leaving America’s sovereignty in question.”

However, they said, “The only thing in their way is President Trump and those willing to stand up, go vote, and be counted.”

The recent actions by the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine secretary of state to bar Trump from the states’ respective ballots in 2024 are a fail-safe, per the memo, in the event that the indictments don’t “provide the results for which they had hoped.”

“Never in American history have these types of tactics been deployed by an opposition party,” they continue.

Wiles and LaCivita treated the Republican race, for which the first nominating contest takes place in two weeks in Iowa, as an afterthought in the memo. They noted Trump’s still commanding lead over his opponents in national measures, as well as in early states Iowa and New Hampshire.

As for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s rise in the poll, still leaving her double digits below Trump, they accuse Haley of attempting to “co-opt and take over a GOP nominating contest with non-Republicans and Democrats, hoping that a ‘Coalition of the unwilling’ is enough to slow President Trump down.”

In a statement to the Washington Examiner, Haley spokeswoman AnnMarie Graham-Barnes said, “There’s a reason Donald Trump is spending millions attacking Nikki with false ads: Nikki is surging and Trump is scared.”


Vivek Ramaswamy’s campaign also responded to the Trump campaign memo’s implication that the primary is over, saying in a statement, “Get ready for a big surprise on January 15!” when the Iowa caucuses will take place.

The Trump officials hit the nominating contests in early states as “horseraces,” which it noted national media are focused on. The campaign, however, is focused on Trump’s broader campaign effort and confident in their plan to win, it added.
