Trump Throws Down the Gauntlet: Demands Biden Prove His Fitness with Pre-Debate Drug Test

Trump-Biden first 2020 presidential debate (Credit: CNN)

President Donald Trump has thrown down the gauntlet, demanding that Joe Biden undergo a drug test before their upcoming debate.

Trump’s challenge came during his speech at the GOP’s annual Lincoln Reagan dinner event in St. Paul, Minnesota, which he attended after celebrating his son Barron’s high school graduation.

At the GOP´s annual Lincoln Reagan dinner event in St. Paul, Minnesota, Trump didn’t mince words as he called into question Biden’s performance during the State of the Union address in March.

“I just wanna debate this guy, but you know – and I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said.

“I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite,” Trump added.

The former president went on to criticize Biden’s performance during the State of the Union, stating that Biden appeared “jacked up” at the beginning but was “fading fast” by the end.

“We’re gonna demand a drug test… He’s going to be so jacked up for those, you watch.”

“I don’t know what he’s using, but that was not, hey, he was higher than a kite, and by the way it was the worst address I’ve ever seen,” Trump said.


This is not the first time Trump has raised suspicions about Biden’s behavior. In an interview with radio broadcaster Hugh Hewitt last month, Trump suggested that there may be “something going on” with Biden and insinuated that drugs could be involved.

“I think what happened, you know, that white stuff, that they happened to find, which happened to be cocaine at the White House, I don’t know, I think something is going on there,” Trump per Daily Mail.

“I watched the State of the Union, he was all jacked up at the beginning, by the end he was fading fast, there’s something going on there.”

Trump’s insistence on a drug test before the debates echoes his stance from the 2020 presidential campaign when he called for Biden to be tested prior to their debates. Back then, Trump voiced his belief that Biden was using some form of enhancement to improve his performance.

In his interview with Laura Ingraham, President Trump said he believes Joe Biden is on some enhancement.

“I watched Biden in the previous debates and he was horrible. And then I saw him in the Bernie debate and he was normal. It was sort of like a normal deal. He got by. And I said that was a different guy than the guy that was in the debate with Kamala. Now, Kamala is just horrible… I’ll tell you what he’s on some kind of enhancement in my opinion,” President Donald Trump said.

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