Trump Vows To End Child Trafficking and Says “God’s Children Are Not For Sale” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

Trump Vows To End Child Trafficking and Says “God’s Children Are Not For Sale” (VIDEO)

During his recent speech at the Concerned Women for America Summit in Washington D.C., President Trump vowed to reinstate Title 42, which was a major component in fighting child trafficking across the southern border during his administration.

Trump told the crowd, “I will use Title 42 to end the child-trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families, in their home countries, immediately.”

The 45th President continued, “And as Jim Caviezel – who’s a great guy, you know who he is? – In the movie Sound of Freedom, he said, ‘God’s children are not for sale.”


Previously, Trump invited former DHS agent Tim Ballard, the man on whom Sound of Freedom is based, actor Jim Caviezel and director of Sound of Freedom Eduardo Verástegui to a special screening at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.


Throughout his presidency, Trump made it very clear that child trafficking must be put to an end.

In 2019, the Trump administration implemented a pilot program that conducted rapid DNA testing of illegal aliens crossing the border with an accompanying minor and discovered over 30% of illegal immigrants crossing the border with minors are not even related to the children despite claiming that they are related.

The Biden administration has since terminated the DNA testing program despite it being successful.

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