Tucker Carlson Goes to Spain, Shines the Light on Socialist Coup and the Mass Mobilization of Conservatives | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Tucker Carlson Goes to Spain, Shines the Light on Socialist Coup and the Mass Mobilization of Conservatives

Spanish Socialists discreetly try to trick their way into retaining power, but Tucker will show it to the world.

Spain is living a season of political turmoil, in which the Patriotic forces are trying to derail Socialist PM Sánchez’s dirty tricks to remain in power by offering amnesty to Catalan separatists.

This Monday )13_ was the eleventh day of mass mobilization but, unless you read the Gateway Pundit or some other conservative medium, you may not even have heard a thing about it.

Now American Journalist Tucker Carlson, arguably the greatest name in US news, has arrived in Spain to lend a helping hand to show the world the Spanish Socialist coup in motion.

Carlson, who got even bigger and more famous after moving his show to X/Twitter, having been ousted from Fox News, was greeted like a rock star by the crowd.

OKDIARIO reported:

“‘Anyone who violates the Constitution, who potentially uses physical violence to end democracy, is a tyrant , is a dictator’. Thus, the conservative journalist from the United States, Tucker Carlson, has been forceful in statements to OKDIARIO this Monday in Ferraz in the demonstration in front of the headquarters of the PSOE, which has traveled to Madrid to participate in the protest against Pedro Sánchez concessions to the independentists [separatists].”


Tucker referenced the attack by the PM to the Spanish Magna Carta, and also the violence by security forces against the protesters.

“‘All this is happening in Europe. The world has not seen clearly that what is happening here these days is very important’, the American journalist indicated about the concessions that Pedro Sánchez has made in recent days in Spain. ‘I hope I can change that’, Carlson said tonight in Madrid, referring to the fact that he would like to have seen greater coverage in different international media.”

The Socialists and the Catalan Junts want amnesty for the coup plotters of the procés, an unauthorized  self-determination referendum that would have Catalunya break away from Spain.

Voz reported:

“It is the 11th day of protests in the Spanish capital against the project to pardon the crimes of Catalonian politicians who carried out a parliamentary coup against Spain in 2017.

The protests in Spain have captivated the attention of the English-speaking press, which has seen conservative political mobilization in the streets in a way that has few precedents in European democracy. Since the first protests were organized at the beginning of the month in front of the headquarters of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), they have been taking place every day, bringing together a significant portion of the Spanish electorate.”

Read more:

Spain Awakens: Millions Take to the Streets Against Socialist Coup and Catalan Separatist Amnesty

