Two Illegal Immigrants Violently Assault Texas National Guard Soldier In El Paso | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

Two Illegal Immigrants Violently Assault Texas National Guard Soldier In El Paso

photo courtesy of Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Thanks to the Biden Regime, our southern border is a perpetual mess. Not only are they putting our civilians in danger, but also our National Guardsmen.

On Wednesday, two illegal aliens from Venezuela violently assaulted a National Guard Soldier in El Paso, Texas. According to Fox News’s Bill Melugin: “A woman grabbed the soldier around the neck, trying to push him down, while a male grabbed his leg, causing him to fall into razor wire. Both arrested.”

The message these illegals are getting is come to the U.S. and they will let you in. The illegals know the border laws are not being enforced. What is even more alarming is that they are assaulting our great soldiers because they are becoming more comfortable with lawlessness.

According to Border Report, the assault was at Gate 36, which is commonplace at the border where numerous illegals attempt to enter the U.S. The illegals were identified as Karla Dividay Matar Jaimes, 38, and Yoel Jesus Guerra Urdaneta, 33. According to Texas DPS, they were both charged with assault.

Border Report:

EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) — A pair of Venezuelan migrants allegedly assaulted a member of the Texas Army National Guard on Wednesday morning in El Paso.

The Texas Department of Public Safety said a trooper responded to a report of an assault along the Rio Grande in South El Paso.

Troopers say the soldier was standing near the concertina wire on the border when a migrant woman rushed him, grabbed him by his neck and attempted to push him down. At the same time, a migrant man grabbed the soldier by his leg and caused the soldier to fall on the concertina wire.

The alleged assault happened by Gate 36, a part of the border wall where hundreds of migrants since last year have been gathering at different periods to surrender to Border Patrol agents.

The Gateway Pundit Reported last month about a “never-ending line” of military aged males from Venezuela arriving to the border by train.

The Biden Regime continues to lie to the citizens of our country with the help of the media. But the proof is there. A massive group of military-aged men arrived in Mexico by train from Venezuela. Over 4,000 illegals crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas last month in one day alone.

Video posted to social media shows a huge line of illegals walking together. They were asked in Spanish where they were from and they replied, “Venezuela.”

Young men who identified themselves as Venezuelans stream across the border near Eagle Pass, Texas.

