U.S. Dentist Calls for Jews to Die, Now Faces Serious Action | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

U.S. Dentist Calls for Jews to Die, Now Faces Serious Action

Dr. Fadi Kablawi

‘Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs’

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

A Florida dentist and Islamic imam who has called for the annihilation of “the tyrannical Jews” now could be facing punishment for his vicious anti-Semitism, which he included in a recorded sermon to fellow Muslims.

“Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for you. Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs,” demanded Fadi Kablawi in a sermon first broadcast on Facebook, adding the current Israeli government is “worse than the Nazis.”

A report at Newsweek explained Kablawi demanded death for Jews, with, “Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews.” The sermon then was translated by Shirion Collective, a pro-Israel account on X.

The report explained Kablawi is an imam at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah.

Florida state Rep. Randy Fine, chairman of the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, now has sent a letter to Jose R. Mellado, chairman of the Florida Board of Dentistry, calling for Kablawi’s dental license to be suspended. And calling for an investigation into Kablawi’s practice.

The letter from Fine includes, “North Miami, where dentist Kablawi practices, contains many Jewish residents, none of whom could be considered safe in Imam Kablawi’s dental chair, where he could personally implement what he is asking Allah to do. Practicing medicine in Florida is a privilege—not a right—and as the chairman of the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, I call on you to immediately suspend Dr. Kablawi’s license and commence a thorough investigation into his practice. The lives of some of Florida’s Jews could hang in the balance.”

Fine noted he’s already heard from patients who were alarmed that “this guy” was their dentist.

The report noted Fine also shared an email from Mellado expressing concern about the antisemitism.

“I am deeply concerned with this inflammatory rhetoric and the potential danger it poses to Jewish and other ethnic groups. It is our utmost responsibility to protect and ensure the safety of the citizens in Florida. Please, review and act accordingly to protect the patients and the public in Florida.”

Kablawi did not respond to a Newsweek request for comment.

The report noted other statements, attributed to Kablawi’s rantings, and translated, include:

“Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the accursed Zionists.”

“Oh Allah, show us the black days that you inflict upon the Jews.”

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