United Sovereign Americans Filing Election Integrity Lawsuits in Multiple States – Group Finds 29 Million Voter Registrations That Need to Be Removed, Explained or Adjudicated

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

United Sovereign Americans is filing election integrity lawsuits in multiple states.

United Sovereign Americans, a nonpartisan, all-volunteer organization dedicated to honest elections, has just released a report detailing millions of errors discovered in state voter databases in twenty states that account for 338 electoral votes.

** The report can be found at https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

Their team of data analysts has over 700 years of big-data and auditing experience. They have acquired multiple copies of actual state voter databases for 2022, and their peer-reviewed analyses have discovered 29 million apparently ineligible voter registrations, 10 million votes cast by those ineligible registrations, and 2 million more votes counted than voters who voted, leading to a 13% vote error rate, where the legally allowed error rate is 0.0008% (1/125,000).

Every entry in a state voter database is a potential vote, and this level of error means bad actors can inject votes into an election that appear to be completely valid.

“Our auditors found 29 million voter registrations that need to be removed, explained or adjudicated and repaired,” says Marly Hornik, CEO of United Sovereign Americans, “Is this malice, arrogance, or incompetence? We demand comprehensive investigations on how these illegal records got into our voting systems. It appears that our election officials are derelict in their duties to follow existing election laws. Until these errors are fixed, every reported election result in the country is, tragically, unreliable.”

Harry Haury, Chairman of USA, an expert in elections and cybersecurity, was involved with the authoring of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002. He says “This is not simply verifying accuracy. This is a wholesale abdication of duty. Are we looking at fraud? Congress and the courts thought so in the 1800’s, but now with opaque, unprovable systems we seem to have forgotten our lessons from over a century ago.”

The organization has filed two federal lawsuits, one in Maryland, which is on appeal, and another in Pennsylvania which cites 3,192,069 apparent errors in the registration records resulting in 1,089,750 uncertain votes, as well as a discrepancy of over 9,000 more votes tabulated than voters who voted. Nevertheless, Commonwealth officials certified the 2022 election.

The organization is preparing legal action in 18 more states and expects to be heard before the Supreme Court in time to impact the 2024 election.

Marly Hornik joined the WarRoom to discuss American Sovereign Americans and their efforts to bring integrity back to elections.

Here is a chart that is discussed in the interview.

Here is the interview.

The post United Sovereign Americans Filing Election Integrity Lawsuits in Multiple States – Group Finds 29 Million Voter Registrations That Need to Be Removed, Explained or Adjudicated appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
