UPDATE: Office of Rep. Bowman Claims He “Did Not Realize He Would Trigger Building Alarm” – LAUGHABLE! | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

UPDATE: Office of Rep. Bowman Claims He “Did Not Realize He Would Trigger Building Alarm” – LAUGHABLE!

Politico has reported Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm inside of the House office building as the Democratic Party attempted to delay a vote on a Republican spending bill.

In the report, Politico shared that. spokesperson for the Republican Administration committee stated Bowman “pulled a fire alarm in Cannon this morning.”

The spokesperson continued “An investigation into why it was pulled is underway.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier the Capitol Police even released a photo of Bowman pulling the alarm.

In response to Bowman pulling the alarm, his digital director Emma Simon stated “Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion.”


Per Politico:

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled the fire alarm in a House office building as his party tried to delay a vote on a hurried House GOP stopgap spending bill, according to the Republican-controlled Administration Committee.

Bowman “pulled a fire alarm in Cannon this morning,” a spokesperson for the panel said. “An investigation into why it was pulled is underway.

Multiple people familiar with the situation said was caught on camera as the House descended into fresh chaos on Saturday. A Bowman spokesperson described the incident as inadvertent.

“Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion,” Emma Simon, Bowman’s digital director, said in a statement.


