US Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn (R-AZ): Every State is a Border State — The Reality of the Southern Border Invasion | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

US Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn (R-AZ): Every State is a Border State — The Reality of the Southern Border Invasion

OP-ED by GOP US Congressional candidate Kathleen Winn (AZ-06):

Super Tuesday proved that the Biden border invasion is a top priority for most Americans. We know we deserve representatives who will fight to secure America and defend our nation from the devastation caused by a planned and coordinated attack against the citizens of the United States of America.

Southern states, like my home state of Arizona, shoulder a disproportionate percentage of the financial and community safety burden. Yet many of our own representatives, like Juan Ciscomani, vote with Democrats to fund security for foreign nations instead of our own. Tragically, the issue has spread far beyond the southern states.

During their coverage of primary elections across the nation, mainstream media and political elites mocked American citizens for considering border security a major issue. MSNBC’s Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow laughed at Virginia voters after polls showed that “immigration was the number one issue,” sarcastically joking that “Virginia does have a border with West Virginia.”

What these elites don’t realize, as they mock Americans from the safety of their echo chambers and privately policed gated communities, is that every state is a border state during Biden’s border invasion, and no American community is safe from its devastating effects.

Just ask the family of Laken Riley in Georgia, who was slaughtered by a violent repeat criminal offender and illegal Venezuelan national who is an “active member” of a vicious Venezuelan gang. Or how about two-year-old Jeremy Poou-Caceres, killed by an illegal El Salvadorian national just thirty minutes from Psaki’s own Arlington mansion?

Don’t forget about the illegal Haitian national, Pierre Lucard Emile, who was arrested for allegedly raping a developmentally disabled person in Boston, Massachusetts, or the mother and son in Broomfield, Colorado who were murdered by a four-times-deported illegal El Salvadorian national with four previous drunk driving convictions. These are but four of the numerous tragedies that have occurred in states across the nation, all of which are a direct result of corruption within the Biden Administration.

The truth is that we have no operational control over our border. It is unsecured and people from over 120 countries walk in every day. The violent crime that follows them makes it clear that these nations are emptying their prisons, not their universities.

Criminals and cartel members are taking advantage of a reckless disregard for border security, and now those cartels essentially control the ports of entry and have established numerous criminal enterprises in our states.

Once illegal immigrants enter America, they come to places like Tucson where they are housed by non-governmental organizations being funded by our tax dollars or making profits while operating under tax-exempt status.

Just last month, investigative journalist James O’Keefe infiltrated a secretive compound for illegal immigrants operating out of a Ramada Hotel in Tucson, and highlighted another illegal immigrant shelter in Phoenix that is raking in hundreds of millions despite being a “non-profit.”

We don’t know who these illegal immigrants are, what kind of past they have, or what their plan is, yet they are given money, phones, and even plane tickets to unknown destinations in the United States to be released with no real oversight.

In fact, FOIA documents recently revealed that the Biden Administration flew more than 320,000 “inadmissible aliens” into undisclosed airports across America during 2023, specifically in an effort to make their trip here easier and cheaper for them.

They have no legal right to be here, yet the Biden Administration flies them daily into the American states that are mocked for speaking out about the immigration crisis.

These millions of illegal immigrants not only endanger our communities, as Laken Riley and so many others have sacrificed to prove, but they also suck up taxpayer dollars through government-funded services and usurp work opportunities for our own citizens.

Instead of hiring citizens with worker rights and living wage expectations, employers take advantage of illegal immigrants for cheaper labor. While wealthy and powerful elites joke about illegal immigrants being needed to mow lawns, clean toilets, and pick crops, they turn their backs on the damage being done to this country by the ongoing border crisis.

It’s time America and her citizens were prioritized and protected from the criminal invasion being facilitated by the Biden Administration. Americans who want change need to support candidates who will vote tough on this issue, not side with Democrats to avoid rocking the boat.

Arizona and the nation can no longer afford to have candidates who look around to their political establishment peers to see how to vote. The lives of American citizens and the future of our nation quite literally depend on it.

Kathleen Winn faces Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ) in the 2024 Primary Election on July 30. Arizona Congressional District 6 voters can sign the petition to get Winn on the ballot here.

