Victor Reacts: Gun Sales Spike as Citizens Arms Themselves Against All Threats (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Victor Nieves

Victor Reacts: Gun Sales Spike as Citizens Arms Themselves Against All Threats (VIDEO)

Rational citizens understand that it is necessary to be armed to protect yourself against lunatics. For that reason it is no surprise that, as the Gateway Pundit reported, gun sales in Maine jumped 200% following the most recent shooting.

Gun sales in Lewiston, Maine and the surrounding area spiked over 200% after a deadly mass shooting claimed the lives of 18 people and wounded over a dozen more.

Despite a shelter-in-place order being put in place in Lewiston, Maine, local gun shop owners were urged to open up their doors by community members who pleaded with them to open up shop.

According to Fox Business, Ryan Gagnon, who is a co-owner of 3 Cousins Firearms in Lewiston, reported, “Our sales were up, I would say, over 200% compared to a typical Friday.”

Another gun shop owner, Tony Lewis,  shared that he did more business after the mass shooting than he did the entire month.

Lewis then explained the reason why residents of Maine were flocking to buy guns and it was because “People are scared.. So they want to make sure they can protect themselves.”

It makes perfect since to arm yourself in defense against a crazed lunatic in our increasingly dangerous world. It makes even more sense to arm yourself against any enemy foreign or domestic, like a hypothetical tyrannical government.

Our founding fathers understood this well. That is why the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Never in history has a government disarmed its people out of the kindness of its heart. Governments disarm people before committing human rights violations. Never give up your right to protect yourself.

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Victor Nieves is a unique voice in politics. As an experienced conservative content creator and commentator, he has built an audience of over 400 thousand followers on social media platforms. He is also the host of “The Victor Nieves Show” on the Real Talk Radio Network weekdays from 4-6pm. His content has been viewed by hundreds of millions worldwide and featured on cable news, and radio stations across the country. Victor is also a podcast host, and author of the book “Conservative Prudence”.

You can email Victor Nieves here, and read more of Victor Nieves’s articles here.

