Victor Reacts: Persecution of Nonviolent Pro-life Protestors (VIDEO)

The Biden regime has fixed their sights on nonviolent pro-life protesters, sending them to federal prison for their efforts to save babies.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

Seven pro-life activists were sentenced to prison this week for protesting at a late-term abortion clinic in 2020.

The activists were convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act and “conspiracy against rights” for a sit-in protest at the Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.

Three activists were sentenced on Tuesday, and four more were sentenced on Wednesday.

The Daily Wire reports:

On Wednesday, Jonathan Darnel, Herb Geraghty, Jean Marshall, and Joan Bell were all sentenced to prison. Darnel got 34 months in prison, Geraghty got 27 months, Marshall got 24 months, and Bell got 27 months. The sentences followed Tuesday’s sentencing of Lauren Handy to 57 months in prison, as well as John Hinshaw (21 months) and William Goodman (27 months).

During the protest, the pro-life protesters sang songs, prayed, locked arms in front of the facility’s staff entrance, and attached themselves with ropes and chains to block doors inside the building.

“As evidenced by today’s sentencings, the FBI and our judicial system will not tolerate the obstruction of civil rights,” said David Sundberg of the FBI Washington Field Office. “The FBI will continue to investigate FACE Act violations in all jurisdictions, so patients and providers can exercise their right to receive or provide lawful reproductive health care without the threat of violence or intimidation.”

In 2022, Handy, obtained a box containing 115 aborted fetuses from outside the Surgi-Center. Five of them appeared to be within the 26-32 week range, which is typically considered far enough along to survive outside the womb. Handy and other anti-abortion activists called on the District of Columbia to investigate if any of the babies had been born alive, but the city refused. Partial-birth abortion remains against the law in the district.

The Biden regime has made it clear that they will not prosecute actual violent criminals, gang members, or illegal aliens. Instead they chose to persecute nonviolent pro-life activists, moms that attend schoolboard meetings, faithful Catholics, and future presidents.

What other group of peaceful civil rights protesters faced this kind of federal persecution in recent history? Better question, why haven’t the violent rioters like BLM and Antifa faced this kind of prosecution by the DOJ?

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