Victory for the People: RNC Credentials Committee Reinstates Missouri’s Grassroots Delegates for Trump After Unjust Challenge by Establishment RINOs | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Victory for the People: RNC Credentials Committee Reinstates Missouri’s Grassroots Delegates for Trump After Unjust Challenge by Establishment RINOs

Screenshot: Dan McKnight/X

Last week, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Contested Delegates and Alternate Delegates from Missouri have formally appealed the RNC Committee on Contests’ decision, alleging severe ethical breaches and tainted committee processes. This appeal stems from the June 28th decision by the RNC Committee on Contests which has ignited a political firestorm within the Missouri GOP.

The RINOs in the Missouri GOP were attempting to remove the pro-Trump delegates elected at the state convention in May.

“The Missouri Republican Party must replace 54 national convention delegates and alternates selected at its chaotic state convention because of “alarming irregularities” in the process, the Republican National Convention Committee on Contests ruled Friday,” Missouri Independent reported.

“The committee holds that the State Convention was not properly credentialed and that any slate of delegates and alternate delegates adopted at the State Convention must be discarded,” according to the state’s report signed by the RNC Committee on Contests Jeanne Luckey of Mississippi.

One group out of Cass County shared the following:

The Missouri SWAMP inside the Republican Party is trying to overrule the will of the Missouri citizens!

This past spring, Republicans across our state participated in county caucuses, congressional district caucuses, and a state convention. At that state convention on May 4th, the Missouri Republican Party, led by Chairman Nick Myers, made a horrendous mistake and completely fouled up the credentialing process. As a result of this huge series of mistakes, the Republican National Committee is set to completely invalidate the grassroots delegates and alternate delegates that were voted to attend the national convention and support Donald J Trump for President.

The MO GOP screwed up, but now they are trying to get another chance to select different delegates and alternate delegates. The people they want are all SWAMP creatures, not grassroots. There is a legal argument called the “Doctrine of Unclean Hands.” It simply states that someone who is at fault in a situation cannot benefit from that situation. Clearly, in this situation, Mr. Myers and the MO GOP screwed up, and the result was the loss of our delegates at the national convention. They should not get to choose delegates different from the state convention.

We cannot allow this to happen! We must rise up and tell Mr. Nick Myers that his actions are unacceptable! Mr. Meyers can make this RIGHT if he chooses to do so. We demand that the original 27 delegates and 27 alternates be resubmitted and allowed to vote for Donald J Trump for President.

The Contested Delegates and Alternates of Missouri presented over 300 sworn affidavits and extensive video documentation to support their claim that the credentialing process was ultimately fair and approved unanimously by the convention attendees.

The grassroots delegates highlight several critical points:

  • Ethical Breaches: The involvement of Ms. Carrie Almond in discussions, despite her recusal from voting, is seen as an ethical breach that undermines the integrity of the process.
  • Procedural Misconduct: The loss of the delegate list by the Missouri GOP and contradictory statements from key figures like Ms. Green, the Credentials Committee Chairperson, point to procedural misconduct and attempts to manipulate the outcome.
  • Grassroots Majority: The appeal emphasizes that the grassroots delegates had a clear super-majority at the convention, evidenced by a unanimous vote of approval for the credentials report.

According to the Procedures for Contests, the burden of proof lies with the contestants, yet the grassroots delegates argue they have provided overwhelming evidence in their favor. They criticize the RNC Committee on Contests for not adhering to the standard of a preponderance of evidence, which clearly favors the respondents.

The grassroots delegates propose that the originally approved full slate of delegates and alternates be recognized and allowed to attend the national convention. They argue that any decision to the contrary would be a denial of the grassroots majority and a reward for the Missouri GOP establishment’s failures.


On Friday, a Missouri RNC delegate, Coby Cullins, wrote on X, “I’m up early this morning in Milwaukee. Please pray for me and my team today. I have been granted a hearing before the Republican National Convention’s Committee on Credentials. I am fighting on behalf of the duly elected Grassroots Delegates from Missouri.”

Adam Horn also wrote on X, “The Battle for Missouri in Milwaukee is over. The GOP Credentials Committee just voted to UNANIMOUSLY overturn the Contest Committee’s decision. The result: The duly elected, Truly Grassroots for Trump slate of 54 delegates/alternates are headed to Milwaukee to vote from President Trump. Our Appeal to Heaven was heard and God answered BIGLY. Thank you to the Credentials Committee for hearing our appeal and voting to reinstate the slate. Thank you Coby Cullins for being the #ManInTheArena. You are the man! Thank you to all of you Missouri patriots for your prayers. And, thank you to the patriots from other states who had our backs. To be sure, Missouri patriots will return the favor when you need us. God Bless America!”

Mike Biggs, one of the Missouri RNC delegates, told The Gateway Pundit:

The Missouri original slate of delegates won an appeal this morning at approximately 10:30. The appeal was presented by Missouri’s grassroots Coby Cullins to the 112-member RNC Credentials Committee.

He began this morning at 8:00 am, the questions and debate went on until after 10:00 am.

At 10:16 am, a unanimous vote overturned the decision of the RNC Contest Committee and called for the return of the original slate of 27 at-large delegates elected at the Missouri State Convention on May 4, 2024.

The word is spreading! Thank you to all of the patriots from Missouri and other states who stepped up to this battle. This was not only about protecting the voices and votes of the people of Missouri but also a statement against the overreach of elected or appointed persons who act as dictators within the Republican Party.


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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

