Voters ‘respect’ Trump 2-1 over Biden, Clinton dead last

Former President Donald Trump continues to be on a roll with 2024 voters who appear eager for a return of MAGA.

Already buoyed by polls showing that a majority of voters are willing to overlook his legal troubles, Trump is steadily gaining on President Joe Biden in head-to-head matchups.

And now there’s a sign that voters are ready to forget traits they weren’t keen on while Trump was president.

In a word, they have a growing “respect” for the 45th president of the United States as a leader.

So says the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets that found likely voters respect Trump twice as much as they do Biden, 42% to 21%.

What’s more, voters respect Trump more than former President Barack Obama and the leading Republican and Democratic presidential challengers Trump and Biden have faced.

The question Rasmussen asked was: “Which one of the following people do you respect most as a leader: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney?”

The results:

— Trump 42%.

— Biden 21%.

— Obama 17%.

— Not sure 6%.

— Nikki Haley 5%.

— Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 5%.

— Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) 3%.

— Hillary Rodham Clinton 2%.

As always, partisanship played a huge role in the survey, with Republicans rallying behind Trump much more than Democrats did for Biden.

Some 75% of Republicans said they respected Trump most as a leader. Among Democrats, however, just 43% chose Biden.

Notably, just 1% of Democrats picked Clinton as the leader they most respect. Obama was second behind Biden among Democrats, at 30%.


Rasmussen also found stronger support for Trump among older voters and less support for Biden among younger voters.

“Older voters show a stronger preference for Trump, compared to younger voters,” the survey analysis said. “However, voters under 40 are more likely to name Obama (24%) than Biden (16%) as the leader they respect the most. And it’s among under-40 voters that Sanders gets the highest level of respect.”
