War Room’s Steve Bannon Talks with the GOP’s Bill McGinley Tell Patriots to Get Out and Vote -“You Need to Own Your Vote – Have a Plan and Execute!” (VIDEO)

MAGA champion Steve Bannon is working tirelessly to help President Trump win on Tuesday November 5th.
He spoke with guest Bill McGinley, former White House Cabinet Secretary, about the importance of owning your vote.
“Really, what we need to do is we need to have everybody do a couple of things, number one, you need to own your vote. You need to get in there and make that sure whether you voted early or you are gonna vote on election day, have a plan and execute. Make sure that you get your ballot in,” McGinley said.
“Number two, you need to be a force multiplier. You need to get out there and get your family, friends and neighbors to the polls to vote for President Trump,” McGinley said.
McGinley also thanked voters who never gave up even when they turned off the lights to try and discourage voters.
“You can see the videos. They turn out the lights on the people in line. They put their cell phone lights on to give them some light. They stay. These are people who deserve our thanks. These are people who should serve as an inspiration for what everybody else needs to do in these battleground states,” McGinley said.
McGinley also mirrored what Charlie Kirk has been saying about not being complacent.
“I think Charlie was spot on. Now is not the time to get complacent. There’s no excuses, you basically have 72 hours to save this country, and if you haven’t acted yet, you need to act now today,” McGinley said.
Bannon also asked McGinley about his thoughts on a Politico story claiming Trump will steal the election.
“Number one, posse, tune out the noise. Focus on voting, focusing on getting your friends, family and neighbors to the poll to cast their ballot,” McGinley said.
McGinley also explained that they are omitting the fact that the left has continually targeted Trump which is obvious election interference.
“Number one was the 14th Amendment case where they tried to keep President Trump off the ballot,” McGinley said.
“You’ve got four indictments, and 90 counts based on partisan Democrat prosecutors trying to go after the leading Presidential candidate,” McGinley said.
“The civil suits that they have filed against him. We’ve had one assassination attempt, and one attempted assassination attempt that they don’t want to talk about,” McGinley said.
“Threats and incidents against Trump and our supporters. We see it all the time it happens in all of these battleground States,” McGinley said.
“You have Jaime Raskin and the other ones that are coming out and openly saying that they are going to try and prevent certification. These are the guys that are trying to prepare to potentially thwart the results of the election. I haven’t heard any reporters begin to ask the Democrats, are you going to accept the results of this election?” McGinley continued.
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