Warning signs: Democrats call border a ‘crisis’ and ‘invasion’ – Washington Examiner

A majority of Democrats have joined with Republicans and independents in decrying the Biden border crisis, adding to the building pressure on the White House to fix its three years of immigration blundering.

Just one day after revealing data showing that people believe the immigration disaster is President Joe Biden’s way of building a “permanent majority” of liberal voters for the Democratic Party, Rasmussen Reports said most voting groups agree the situation is at a crisis stage.

By a margin of 69%-22%, likely voters believe the open borders that have allowed in record numbers of illegal immigrants are a crisis. That includes 51% of Democrats, 63% of black people, 65% of women, and 64% of younger voters.

Nearly as many see it as an “invasion,” by a 64%-33% margin. That includes 46% of Democrats, 66% of black people, 60% of women, and 62% of younger voters.

Biden is reportedly planning to announce a new border plan, but similar promises have been made for weeks. According to one report, he is eager to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States, a scheme likely to cause even more anger at the president.

The polling shouldn’t be a surprise to the White House. From his first day in office, Biden tossed aside former President Donald Trump’s successful immigration orders and unlocked the border gates.


Democratic mayors in Boston, New York City, Chicago, and elsewhere have pleaded for help to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into their cities even though they have declared them sanctuaries for migrants.

Topping off Rasmussen’s poll today was a question on whether people believe the border is a key national security concern. By 71%-19%, likely voters said that “it is a vital national security interest for the United States these days.”
