Washington Examiner

The Washington Examiner’s Sarah Bedford said Tuesday that the winner of the New York congressional race could come down to whichever party has more “enthusiasm” behind it, as harsh winter weather has hit the state.

The election between Republican candidate Mazi Pilip and former Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi is being held on Tuesday, with the winner getting the seat previously held by former Rep. George Santos, who was expelled from Congress in December. Bedford said the winter weather conditions could deter undecided voters and that the winner would come down to whichever party has “the momentum and the enthusiasm” going into this election.

“In this case, that could be Republicans,” Bedford, the investigations editor for the Washington Examiner, said on Fox Business’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast. “They drew the recruit they were hoping to run in that district. There has been obviously the underlying conditions that put Santos, a Republican, in Congress in that Long Island district still exist, despite the fact that he was kind of a disaster as a member.”

Bedford added that people might not want to read too hard into the results of this election and if it provides an indication of what the November elections have in store. This election, Bedford argued, ought to be a gauge of “which side has the enthusiasm right now.”

Additionally, Bedford was asked if Pilip’s background as an immigrant could help her in this race against Suozzi, as Long Island has received a multitude of illegal immigrants bused from the southern border. Bedford argued that it could, noting that illegal immigration and crime have been a major focus in this election.


Last month, the Washington Examiner reported that the Republican National Committee was planning to make a six-figure investment in this race in order to retain the seat it had with Santos. The election comes as House Republicans have a razor-thin majority in Congress, making it difficult for the party to pass legislation.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Suozzi raised $4.5 million since being tapped as the Democrats’ nominee for this race. The amount is more than triple the $1.3 million that Pilip raised, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.
