(WATCH) Ben Bergquam: Unbelievable Footage of Illegal Alien Camp on US Soil in Arivaca, Arizona

RAV correspondent Ben Bergquam’s reporting on the No More Deaths camp, which houses illegal immigrants and helps the Cartels smuggle illegals into the United States, shows how the open-borders group has been operating for years.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, O’Keefe Media Group recently shined more light on the No Mas Muertes or No More Deaths organization, which appears to house cartel members and facilitate human smuggling in southern Arizona.

WATCH: O’Keefe Exposes Nonprofit ‘No Mas Muertes’ Likely Facilitating Cartel Members’ Human Smuggling to Phoenix – Undercover Journalist Held AT GUNPOINT!

Prior to this, Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam exposed the organization for aiding and abetting the illegal aliens and cartels invading Arizona’s southern border.

No More Deaths is a nonprofit and ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson. According to Ben Bergquam, these organizations are “funded in part by Pima County,” the second largest county in Arizona.

Another organization backing this effort is St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona, whose X page biography reads, “A joyful community that celebrates God’s love, transforms lives, and is a force for justice in the world. #StMarksAZ #PCUSA #WaterNotWalls #BlackLivesMatter.”

St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church is where  Stephanie Stal-Hamilton, the same leftist crank who was caught red-handed stealing bibles from the Arizona House members-only lounge and hiding them from lawmakers, reportedly worships and has served as an ordained minister and Parish Associate. 

In June 2023, Bergquam first reported on the encampment run by No More Deaths in Arivaca, Arizona. In the clip below, Bergquam spoke to an illegal immigrant at the compound, who covered his face and confirmed there were “maybe” 30 illegals housed there.

Tim Foley of Arizona Border Recon has been fighting to protect the border through his organization, AZ Border Recon, for over a decade and tipped Bergquam off to the No More Deaths camp. 

Bergquam returned to the No More Deaths Camp last month and showed the military-style camouflage clothing and backpacks of illegal immigrants and “runners” who were not caught by Border Patrol hanging in trees to dry and how No More Deaths directs criminal illegal immigrants to enter the country illegally.

Following Bergquam’s incredible reporting, the No More Deaths compound was raided by border patrol agents, leading to the arrest of over 30 illegal immigrants and “runners.”

Bergquam told The Gateway Pundit,

I got word back afterwards that my footage led to the camp being raided leading to the arrest of over 30 illegals and some of the camp organizers. The question is, when will these people be charged with human trafficking? When will the Universalist Unitarian Church be charged or at least lose their 501 C3? And when will Pima County BoS be held accountable for helping fund this human trafficking organization?

The clips aired on Bergquam’s “Law and Border,” the best border series on TV.

Stay up to date with the latest episodes of Law and Border with Ben Bergquam at this link, and stay tuned for Saturday’s release!

Watch both videos below:

BERGQUAM: This operation here, No More Deaths, is actually part of the Universalist Unitarian church out of Tucson. They’re funded in part by Pima County. Not only they’re providing food and water and blankets and support for the cartel, for the scouts and for the illegals coming across, they actually have a facility here that houses them, and you got people running from building the building. This place is full of illegals, and that’s what this whole entire thing is designed to protect illegals. They’re aiding and abetting the invasion of our country.

You go straight from this facility, down south, you run into the end of the wall. That’s where the drug smugglers are coming through. That’s where the child traffickers are coming through, the human traffickers are coming through. That’s where the MS-13 gang members are coming through. That’s where terrorists are coming through. All of that flows right here.

It’s weird. There’s like 40 people in there, but nobody’s answering. [I’ll] wait out here for a few minutes, see if anyone shows up. The cartels are getting so brazen that they’re actually coming from the border, where they cross over, you’ve got guys with AKs coming across, bringing their drugs, coming straight through here. There’s a woman that lives just down the street, who says she’s afraid to be here on certain days because the cartel members with guns come through here. And then you have organizations like this aiding and abetting. If that’s not called treason, I don’t know what is.

Watch Bergquam’s latest on the organization from January below:

The post (WATCH) Ben Bergquam: Unbelievable Footage of Illegal Alien Camp on US Soil in Arivaca, Arizona appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
