WATCH: Brave Investigative Reporter Ben Bergquam Records Coyotes Trafficking Illegals Across Border, Calls Law Enforcement Who Have No Extra Personnel to Respond to Breach (VIDEO)
Real America’s Voice correspondent and host of Law and Border, Ben Bergquam, posted a new video on Wednesday exposing the invasion at our Southern Border, where he caught coyotes preparing to bring groups of people across the border.
Law enforcement was nowhere to be found, and they were unable to respond to his call. This is Biden and the Democrats’ lawless border.
Law and Border, the best border series on TV, airs roughly once a month on Real America’s Voice. Bergquam is the best journalist ever to cover the US-Mexico border in history! The latest episodes of his show can be found here.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Ben Bergquam’s brave reporting. Bergquam was recently reporting on the illegal aliens hiking through the Darien Gap en route to the United States, where he encountered the body of a dead pregnant woman who the Democrats invited to come to America and vote for them.
The mainstream media rarely, if ever, reports on the realities of the US Southern Border and such a dangerous journey because they are usually too busy playing defense for the Biden Regime. Bergquam has followed illegals and exposed the crisis on this trail numerous times.
The Biden Regime, the liberal NGOs, and the globalist organizations that our government pays for have literally become a criminal syndicate allowing the US to be invaded by illegal aliens. This is all while we fund the security of Ukraine’s border and fuel World War III!
The Gateway Pundit reported today on must-see video footage of illegals in Juarez, Mexico, on Tuesday night storming the area bordering El Paso, Texas. “Si se puede!” they chant as they prepare to enter the US and be sent to New York or Chicago or any of the other 48 states in the Union.
We are a nation in decline.
Bergquam exposed the coyotes near Sunland Park, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, and law enforcement’s inability to respond.
Pray for Ben Bergquam. He encounters and exposes these violent thugs and murderers empowered by the left every day.
Watch below:
Bergquam: So it looks like a whole ‘nother group back here. I just saw the guy running off with a ladder… It definitely looks like more footprints have gone across. This is the spot where I saw the group of eight, so more footprints have gone across… This area is running illegals all day on top of the 15 other spots we saw where they’re crossing… You got the coyote just sitting over there with his gear; he’s hiding behind the bush as I drove up. Actually, we’ve got two coyotes on this side now they’re hiding in the bushes, and now they’re digging down into the sand. Let’s watch them, see what they find…
It looks like, oh, they’re just hiding the rope. They’re just hiding their ladder. Look at that. There they go. Hide their ladder right there, so next time when they come back, they’re all set… Literally, half a mile away, we got another group, guys with a ladder right here. This is a legit ladder. Let’s see if we can catch them.. Oh, they’re hiding behind that bush too. It looks like another group just came over… This is the exact location where I saw the guys last time. They’re using this nonstop. You can see him hiding back there in the bush…
So, it looks like this group was just about to cross when I drove up on them. Now they’re all hiding in the bushes again, all in their black gear. Biden’s America right there… All in black and coming across so they can hide at night. You wonder why they’re coming this way. There’s a reason why they don’t want to get caught. These are not good people…
They were literally about to put the ladder up to crossover when I drove up. And I’ve been driving out here for over an hour and a half and haven’t seen a single Border Patrol agent. I’ve already seen two groups in at least 15 locations. Look at all that trash. That’s how many people are coming through at just this spot. All that garbage, they’ve actually dug out a pit to put all the garbage. That’s what you’re doing Democrats. Way to go.
This guy really doesn’t want to get seen down in this bush. He is super uncomfortable… It looks like the coyotes are on the phone… That guy’s filming me…
The other guys that were at the other location, they’re trying to call them over now, trying to figure out what to do. They’re over here now. You got all these guys over here! Wow. We got a bunch of groups here just waiting for their turn. Look at this! Holy cow. They’re just all lined up. The other guys that were at the other location, they’re trying to call them over now, trying to figure out what to do. They’re over here now. You got all these guys over here! Wow. We got a bunch of groups here just waiting for their turn. Look at this! Holy cow. They’re just all lined up. You got the first group under the tree, you got the next group waiting to go, and you got the coyotes over here just running it all, thanks to the Biden border invasion just making the cartel millions.
And those guys in all black that are trying to break into our country that don’t want to get caught are a mile away from the Santa Theresa Checkpoint. And there is no border patrol out here. I’ve been out here, for now it’s been two hours, two hours and not a single Border Patrol agent. I’ve seen at least three groups on the Mexico side. One has already crossed in the time that it took me to drive the 20 miles and come back. I’ve got two more groups lined up, waiting to go, all in black so that they’re not seen at night; they run at night, hoping that they don’t get seen. And there’s nobody out here.
Operator: Santa Theresa Satation, What do you want?
Berguam: I was just calling, I’m down by the Santa Theresa port of entry, and I just saw three groups. One group just crossed in, it was about a mile west of the port of entry. There’s two other groups that are just over the wall on the Mexico side. As I drove up, they pulled their ladder down and ran behind the bushes, but it looks like they’re about to cross too.
Operator: Okay, we are extremely short handed today. I doubt we’re gonna have anyone available to go up there.
Berguam: Yeah, I was driving the road for about two hours and didn’t see anyone, so there’s nobody out there to work it, huh?
Operator: Negative. I’ll put it out on the radio, but we have very, very few people out there today.
Berguam: They’re all processing?
Operator: Everything, right now in the field.
Berguam: Just wide open.
Operator: I’ll put it out on the radio, but I doubt we’re gonna have anyone available to go up there.
Bergquam tweeted the video on Wednesday:
MUST SEE video of cartels taking over the border! Please watch to the end and then share everywhere. For the second time I am told by Border Patrol they have no one to send as I’m witnessing the cartel invade our country. What Biden, Mayorkas and the Democrats have done to our border is Treason! Please share and help hold them accountable.
From the Santa Teresa Port of Entry near Sunland Park, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas #BidenDidThis! #BidenBorderInvasion #TrumpWasRight – “Law & Border” Real America’s Voice News @RealAmVoice – Sponsored by – promo code: RAV – And for satellite communication when the grid goes down. Be prepared and support companies that support your value
MUST SEE video of cartels taking over the border! Please watch to the end and then share everywhere. For the second time I am told by Border Patrol they have no one to send as I’m witnessing the cartel invade our country. What Biden, Mayorkas and the Democrats have done to our…
— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) October 4, 2023

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson’s articles here.