WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Triggers Brian Kilmeade After Neo-Con Fox News Host Cluelessly Blasts His Common-Sense Ukraine Peace Proposal – Network Abruptly Ends Segment | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Triggers Brian Kilmeade After Neo-Con Fox News Host Cluelessly Blasts His Common-Sense Ukraine Peace Proposal – Network Abruptly Ends Segment

Credit: Fox News Screenshot/@JackPosobiec

Neo-con Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was no match for GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy during a heated Fox and Friends interview that the network cut short on Thursday morning.

Jim Hoft reported that Ramasewamy smoked the competition at the GOP debate Wednesday night. His most prominent victim was former Neo-con UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, which rattled the corporate media.

During the interview on Fox and Friends, co-host Lawrence Jones questioned Ramaswamy regarding his multiple attacks on Haley, which Ramaswamy calmed and concisely answered. But things took a turn when Kilmeade jumped in.

Kilmeade could be heard grumbling in a hot mic that Ramaswamy’s policy on Ukraine and Russia is “just ridiculous.” Ramaswamy wants a peace deal between the two nations with consequences for both should either one break it. This does not sit well with Neo-cons who want a forever war to enrich the military-industrial complex.

After learning that Ramaswamy could hear him, the globalist Fox News host began his interrogation.

“Hey, Vivek, are you comfortable with Russia taking as much of Ukraine as they want? Are you comfortable pulling all our aid out? And do you really believe that Vladimir Putin will agree not to have an alliance with China?”

WATCH (The Ramaswamy-Kilmeade segment starts at roughly the five-minute mark):

Ramaswamy replied that it was important for America to play “hardball” and ensure Russia faces “serious consequences” if they break the deal. Kilmeade interrupted and loudly asked, “Like what!”

The GOP candidate calmly replied that we need a “maximum pressure” campaign, which he has detailed on his website. He made clear that the war “doesn’t advance U.S. interests” and that we need to focus on the Russia-China alliance instead.

This trigged Kilmeade further.

“Yes it does, if you give up Eastern Europe– it is in our interest!” said Kilmeade, nearly yelling. “You can’t keep Russia from China!”

Ramaswamy then pointed out that current U.S. policy is driving Russia and China closer together. He noted there are “kinks in the armor” in the relationship America can exploit, like Russia sending weapons to India and Vietnam, two of China’s adversaries.

“This is our opportunity,” Ramaswamy said. “Nixon did this in 1972. And Brian, respectfully, people like you said Nixon couldn’t do it.”

Kilmeade then changed the subject and seemingly accused Ramaswamy of appeasement.

“Vivek, are you comfortable giving up Eastern Europe? Because, you know, they’re already taking Moldova, already making moves on the Baltic, they’re taking more and more pieces of Georgia, and all we’ve done is sit there and send blankets and MREs and we got an invasion.”

Vivek issued a response that caused the audience behind him to erupt in applause.

“Because we have no idea how Ukraine has spent $200 billion of our money. We’re forking over more taxpayer money so some Ukrainian kleptocrat can buy a bigger house. That’s corrupt and I’m not going to stand for that.”

Kilmeade then made the laughable statement that “Ukrainians are the best fighters in the world.”

Next, Ramaswamy called Ukraine out for their numerous assassinations prompting Kilmeade to call him “naive.”

“So naive, you give up Ukraine then in two years you’d be criticizing Joe Biden for giving up Ukraine,” Kilmeade said.

Ramaswamy replied:

“You wanna call me naive? I actually understand what the heck I’m talking about here!”

The two continued their nasty debate, with Ramaswamy revealing Tucker Carlson’s explosive report that Lloyd Austin threatened to send American troops to Ukraine if more aid packages were not appropriated.

Kilmeade cluelessly responded by telling Ramaswamy to “pay attention,” failing to understand the irony in his statement.

Kilmeade then tried to cut the segment short while Ramaswamy was still talking before Jones saved the Fox News host and abruptly shut Vivek down.

