WATCH: “We’re Not in a Classroom! We’re Not Doing a Show of Hands!” – RINO Lawmaker Shouts at RAV Reporter Ben Bergquam After Asking Who Will Demand that Biden Closes the Border

US House Republicans made a trip to the southern border this week to see the invasion by illegal immigrants and take photos as they purport to take a stand against Biden’s open border policies.

After adjourning the House for three weeks with no solution to the border crisis, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced the trip on X, commenting,

60+ House Republicans are heading to Texas this week to see firsthand and highlight the impact of Biden’s border crisis. This situation requires significant policy changes and House Republicans will continue advocating for real solutions that actually secure our border.

During a press conference on Thursday, RAV correspondent Ben Bergquam asked the group of lawmakers for a show of hands of “who will vote to shut down the government” unless Biden closes the border instead of passing another continuing resolution while the border remains wide open.

But Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) lost it and interrupted Bergquam, saying, “We’re not going to do a show of hands. We’re not in a classroom. We’re not doing a show of hands!”

The National Pulse reports,

U.S. Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) snapped at a reporter who asked lawmakers to raise their hand if they supported shutting down the government unless President Joe Biden shuts down the border. The incident took place at a press conference held by House Speaker Mike Johnson and other Republican lawmakers at the U.S.-Mexico border earlier today.

“We’re not going to do a show of hands,” Fallon can be heard saying – interrupting House Speaker Mike Johnson as he fielded the question from Real America Voice’s Ben Bergquam. The Texas Republican continued: “We’re not in a classroom. We’re not doing a show of hands.”

The moment was additionally bizarre given that Bergquam and other reporters are routinely asked to raise their hands to aks questions of politicians, despite not being “in a classroom,” and that the question should be relatively easy to answer for a so-called conservative concerned with U.S. border security.

Instead, Speaker Johnson indicated the House would push forward with passing individual appropriations bills. He added that House Republicans were able to head off a Christmas omnibus bill out of the Senate. The House passed a laddered continuing resolution, meaning Congress has until January 19th to fund part of the federal government – and February 2nd to fund the remaining departments.

Watch below:


Bergquam later joined Bannon’s War Room to discuss the “McCarthy era arrogance” from Pat Fallon:

BANNON: I’m not trying to nickel and dime this guy. We actually liked him a lot and have had his back, but you got to face reality. The country is in a crisis. So Ben, first off, who was the guy trying to play Tom Cruise with the wraparound sunglasses, trying to be Clint Eastwood with the wraparound sunglasses, who said, no, we’re not in a classroom? Well, dude, you are in a classroom. We want to see a show of hands. Who is that? Where’s he from? Let’s have a discussion about that, because that was kind of inappropriate. I thought was an inappropriate response.

BERGQUAM: I had never heard of the guy before this. His name is Pat Fallon, congressional representative from Texas’ fourth district, the northeast side, outside of Dallas, the suburbs and up into the Northeast. And you know, again, my biggest problem with congressional representatives: if I haven’t heard of you, if you’ve been in office for more than two years, and I haven’t heard of you, that’s a problem, especially when you’re in Texas and your state is being overrun, our country is being overrun, and I’ve never heard your name and the first thing you do is heckle me and say we’re not in a classroom. After I had to raise my hand to ask the dang question, you can’t raise your hand and say yes, I will stand up for our country, and I will shut down our government until we shut down the border? You’re upset at that question? Not at the fact that our country is being invaded and destroyed from within. I don’t have time for that. I don’t have time for that, Steve.

The post WATCH: “We’re Not in a Classroom! We’re Not Doing a Show of Hands!” – RINO Lawmaker Shouts at RAV Reporter Ben Bergquam After Asking Who Will Demand that Biden Closes the Border appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
