WAYNE ROOT: My Message to Red State Attorneys General: Indict Vice President Kamala Harris and VP Nominee Tim Walz Today.

Image: Video screenshot.

By Wayne Allyn Root

Yesterday I wrote a commentary on the evil warfare and weaponization of government being carried out by Democrats. America is descending into darkness. Democrats and the Deep State are evil, vicious, out of control, and drunk with power.

And where this leads is very easy to predict…

Communism always leads to a one-party state; re-education camps; government gulags; arrests in the middle of the night; asset confiscation; martial law; the end of free speech; the banning of “misinformation” (ie anything that disagrees with, or criticizes the government); and eventually, mass murder.

We’ve seen this story play out in too many countries that went communist, socialist, and/or fascist- Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, the Peoples Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela to name just a few.

We are on that path right now.

The proof is found in the unprecedented persecution of President Trump; Peter Navarro; Steve Bannon; Rudy Guliani; Tulsi Gabbard; the January 6ers; the mass censorship of conservatives; the attempts by the DOJ to target and persecute PTA moms and pro-life grandmothers; and the mandates that forced American citizens to take experimental Covid vaccines, or lose their job. Those are just a few of the signs of the path down which we are headed. If Democrats win in November, it will get much worse.

So, what can we do to stop this Nazi and Soviet-level warfare, censorship and weaponization of government?

The solution is simple.

In New York, AG Leticia James was able to make up bogus civil charges, out of thin air, to try to destroy and bankrupt President Trump. No one could stop her. She’s the Attorney General. And the overwhelmingly Democrat citizens of New York applauded.

In New York City, DA Alvin Bragg was able to make up bogus criminal charges, out of thin air. No one could stop him. And the citizens applauded.

The same story goes with DA Fani Willis in Georgia, and Special Prosecutor Jack Smith in Washington DC. In liberal blue states with Democrats in charge of the justice system, they can indict a ham sandwich. Judges and juries will go along with it. And their Democrat voters applaud.

The precedent has been set.

It’s clear any AG or DA can indict whoever they want, for whatever reason they chose. So, it’s time to turn the tables. It’s time to fight fire with fire. Two can play at this game. It’s time to…


Any bold red state Republican AG, or red city Republican DA, with smarts, ambition and balls, has the opportunity of a lifetime. And the legal green light.

They need to step up and indict Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz for “Stolen Valor.”

The law is on the books. Walz lied, committed fraud, misrepresented his military service, and purposely misled the voters. He committed “Stolen Valor.” You have plenty of witnesses willing to testify- including his battalion leader, his troops, and even his military clergy.

Walz is “fair game.” The rules have been set by Democrats. Any Republican AG or DA, with the support of their red state voters, can indict whoever they choose. No one can stop them.

Why not the AG of Utah…or Oklahoma…or Missouri…or Florida…or Texas…to name a few overwhelmingly Republican states.

Let Tim Walz experience a perp walk and mug shot. Let Tim Walz spend millions hiring a legal defense team. Let Tim Walz miss weeks on the campaign trail, stuck in court. Just like what Democrats did to President Trump. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. But why stop at Tim Walz? Yes, he’s the obvious “low hanging fruit.”

But why not indict Kamala Harris, as well?

The crime is obvious- she was named the “border czar.” She was placed in control of the border. Her official duty was to protect the citizens of our country from foreign invasion. She hid in her office and let it happen. She had oversight of the biggest disaster and betrayal in America’s history. This is called fraud, malfeasance, dereliction of duty. This is also called TREASON.

Throw the book at her. Unlike Biden, she is not the President. She has no immunity. The Vice President cannot hide from indictments. She is a legal target for criminal charges. She can be indicted and arrested TODAY.

Why not indict Kamala during the Democrat Convention?

But a red state AG with balls better act fast. My bet is Democrats already have a plan in motion to force Biden to resign and make Kamala the incumbent President of the United States before Election Day.

Democrats started this. Kamala and Walz are both “fair game.” Two can play at this game. Why wouldn’t a red state Republican AG or DA indict Kamala and Tim Walz right now?

First, you’re in a safe, overwhelmingly red state. You’ll have the full support of your Republican voters. They’ll applaud. They’ll love you for it. You can write your ticket with this heroic move. You’ll be on your way to the Governor’s mansion.

Second, unlike President Trump, Kamala and Walz are guilty of real crimes. They deserve to be indicted.

Third, just like what Democrats did to President Trump, your only job is to indict them for the crime. Let them prove it’s “political.” Let them prove their innocence. Let them spend millions in legal fees.

Democrats set the rules. If any AG believes a politician has committed a crime…even during a presidential race…even during the final weeks before the election…it is their duty to indict the criminal.

Kamala is a traitor. Her mismanagement of the border is a crime. If it’s intentional, it’s treason. Walz lied about his military service and rank. That’s a crime. Enforce the law. Your country demands it.

The future of America, democracy, the rule of law, and capitalism depends on you doing the right thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: My Message to Red State Attorneys General: Indict Vice President Kamala Harris and VP Nominee Tim Walz Today. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
