WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, We Can End Inflation Tomorrow. It Really Is This Easy & Simple. Here is the Plan. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, We Can End Inflation Tomorrow. It Really Is This Easy & Simple. Here is the Plan.

By Wayne Allyn Root

Inflation is a disaster. It is destroying our economy. It is destroying our paychecks and buying power. It is destroying the great American middle class. It is destroying our retirement plans.

And it’s destroying jobs. Biden claims we are creating millions of jobs. We are- millions of crappy, part-time jobs for unskilled, uneducated foreign workers (illegal aliens).

The American Dream is on life support.

And while inflation may go up, or down in any given month…the reality is, long term inflation is here to stay. But whether it continues going up from here is beside the point.

Everything we buy is already up dramatically from the good old Trump days. And those high prices are the new base.

But many other products and services are skyrocketing. They are not staying at the base…

*Auto insurance is skyrocketing.

*Home insurance is skyrocketing.

*Health insurance is skyrocketing.

*Doctor and hospital bills are skyrocketing.

*Electric bills are skyrocketing.

*Natural gas bills are skyrocketing.

*If World War 3 starts soon (which I believe it will) the fuel we put in our cars will skyrocket.

And then there’s restaurant bills and groceries. I don’t know if they’ll continue to soar. But even if inflation cools, they’re already way too high.

But dumb, ignorant, clueless, suicide bombers (ie Democrats) don’t understand inflation. They have no idea what causes it. I do…

Democrats cause it.

Here is a simple plan that ends inflation instantly. And creates a booming economy and prosperity for all. Exhibit A is Argentina President Javier Milei. He is already doing much of this plan. He has tamed the highest inflation in the world in record time and instantly turned around his economy. Argentina’s currency is up by the most of any currency in the world- and the man has only been president for a few months! It’s an economic miracle.

This should be President Trump’s gameplan. Here it is. Simple.

Inflation is all about government spending. We need to cut it dramatically. We need to cut the debt and deficit. We need a budget surplus. Do that and inflation goes away instantly. Argentina is the proof.

We can end inflation tomorrow with this plan. I hope and pray President Trump adopts all or most of it.

First, cut government spending dramatically. In every agency and department. Across the board. Start with a 15% cut on day one- across the board everywhere, except military spending.

At the end of six months, cut another 15% of all government spending, except military.

The productive citizens of America will never even notice it’s gone. It will have no effect on their lives.

At the same time, cut government employees and bureaucrats. Start with firing 15% of all federal employees. At the end of six months, fire another 15%.

The productive citizens of America will never even notice these government employees are gone. It will have no effect on their lives.

Those two goals should be just a start.

Eliminate the Departments of Energy and Education instantly- they have both failed miserably. Who needs them? Energy prices are exploding. Education costs are exploding. Quality of education is in decline. Who needs these federal bureaucracies? No one will notice they’re gone.

Make a list of 20 more useless government agencies to eliminate entirely in the first 6 months.

After we do all this cutting, we should be able to attain a budget surplus, for the first time in decades.

President Javier Milei just did it in Argentina- for the first time in 20 years. He did it in only a few months.

If Argentina can do it, America can do it better.

To help make it all happen, a Republican Congress needs to pass a balanced budget amendment and a line-item veto for President Trump.

The next big problem is open borders.

Illegal alien spending is overwhelming our economy and exploding our debt. This is what causes inflation! We must seal the border and stop ALL spending on illegals.

And deport 20+ million illegal aliens already here, eating up our budget, bankrupting our healthcare, public-school and court systems.

To help accomplish this, ban all forms of welfare for not only illegal aliens, but all immigrants.

You want to come to our country, then come legally, and plan to work. You have no right to expect American taxpayers to pay for your dream. You have no right to burden our citizens, explode our debt, or raise our taxes. If you can’t work and earn your keep, you can’t come, and you can’t stay. Simple.

This alone saves half a trillion dollars per year. That’s $5 trillion of savings over the next decade. That’s real money.

Then also ban welfare for any American citizen who has two arms and two legs. If you’re not disabled, you must work. If you don’t want to work, fine. We value your freedom. Be a lazy bum, just not on our taxpayer’s dime. No more welfare for you.

Which fits perfectly with deporting illegal aliens. We don’t need illegals to do the work, if everyone on welfare is given a choice- do these jobs that supposedly “no one wants,” or lose your welfare check. We will save trillions of dollars over the next decade.

Next, reverse or cancel all green energy regulations and laws. America was built on cheap fossil fuel. Our middle class became the biggest and most prosperous in world history thanks to cheap fossil fuel. Green energy/climate change B.S. is the worst mistake in world history.

Except, it’s not a mistake. It’s the intentional destruction of America.

Drilling, clean coal, fracking and nuclear will make our country, economy and middle class prosperous again. And energy independent again.

Lower energy costs equals lower inflation.

Next, stop all foreign aid to Ukraine. Are we insane? Giving them $200 billion in a losing cause, to the most corrupt government in the world, is exactly what causes inflation here in America. We threw this money in a fireplace. To give Ukraine money, we have to run the printing presses 24/7. No more.

Next, fire the 86,000 new IRS agents and cancel the $86 billion of spending needed for them. What a waste. We should be finding a way to eliminate the IRS, not giving them an additional $86 billion.

Next, cut spending by cutting crime. Crime is exploding simply because we let all the criminals out to do it again and again. Pass three strikes laws again. Commit three crimes and you go to prison for life. Add in the death penalty again. We’ll save trillions of dollars by locking up forever, or giving the electric chair to the worst repeat offenders in America. And the threat of three strikes and the death penalty will stop a huge portion of future crime.

And maybe a few retail chains can actually stay in business.

This is just a start off the top of my head. Take these steps and inflation is gone. Instantly. Interest rates drop to historic lows. The economy skyrockets by the most in history. America and the US economy are great again.

This is your plan President Trump.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

