WAYNE ROOT: This Isn’t Just a Presidential Election. Yesterday Proves This is Literally a Matter of Life and Death. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

WAYNE ROOT: This Isn’t Just a Presidential Election. Yesterday Proves This is Literally a Matter of Life and Death.

Credit: Getty Images

By Wayne Allyn Root

So many things happened yesterday- in one day- that prove this election is literally a matter of life and death.

First, let’s look at the matter of the controversial Covid vaccine.

We found out yesterday that Kamala Harris has mandated (ie forced) all of her own campaign staffers to take every up-to-date Covid vaccine to stay employed on her staff. This is literally insanity.

Kamala is clearly a brainwashed, Big Pharma Stepford Wife.

I can produce for anyone who asks ([email protected]) a detailed list I’ve compiled of hundreds of studies and shocking government data from around the globe showing the Covid vaccine is dangerous and deadly.

We need a President who will appoint a Special Counselor to investigate Big Pharma and all the lies, fraud, propaganda and false promises fed to the media and the unsuspecting American public about the flawed Covid vaccine.

That President is Donald J. Trump.

By Friday morning this could become a reality with Robert F Kennedy Jr. announcing he’s dropping out of the presidential race and supporting President Trump. RFK Jr would make a perfect choice for that Special Counselor role, or to head the FDA, HHS or NIH.

But here we are almost in the year 2025, almost five years after the Covid pandemic started, and four years after the Covid vaccine was exposed by the VAERS system as causing deaths, injuries and adverse events, in numbers never seen in the history of vaccines…

And STILL, Kamala Harris forces campaign staffers to take this controversial, experimental, for-emergency-use-only vaccine, or lose their job.

This is madness. This is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code. Keep in mind, most of Kamala’s staffers are young and face no serious danger from Covid. Why force anyone young and healthy, with zero chance of dying, to risk death or crippling injury with a controversial, experimental vaccine, to prevent a possible cold?

So, I ask you, if Kamala Harris is intent (still, in the year 2024) to force this controversial, dangerous, and in many cases deadly vaccine onto her own staff, what would she do to the American people, if she is elected president?

Well that’s pretty clear…

Soon after the election, Kamala will mandate the entire country be forced to take this dangerous, experimental vaccine, or lose their jobs.

Kamala will also mandate all children be forced to take the Covid vaccine- even though way back in the year 2020 prestigious John Hopkins Medical School studied 48,000 children in America who got Covid, and found not one child under age 18 in all of America died of Covid (unless they had childhood cancer).

But Kamala won’t stop there.

The same suicide bomber who forces her own staff to take every Covid vaccine known to man, to keep their jobs, will mandate “Covid passports.”

Like the Nazi Gestapo demanding “papers” from Jews at train stations, President Kamala Harris will force all of us to produce proof of up-to-date Covid vaccines to enter grocery stores, retail stores, restaurants, bars, gyms, hair salons, sports events, or to pick-up our children at school.

Remember Kamala picked Tim Walz as her VP, knowing he ordered Minnesota National Guard members to drive around Minneapolis to shoot painful paintballs at any citizen standing on their own porch, or lawn during the Covid lockdown.

Kamala and “Tampon Tim” are clearly mentally-ill tyrants and psychopaths. How far will they be willing to go? We never want to find out.

Now let’s look at what President Donald J. Trump announced on the same day…

President Trump announced upon his re-election, he will reinstate and rehire any military service members fired for refusing the Covid vaccine, with back pay.

There it is- the clear difference between tyranny and freedom.

Trump defines leadership. Whether you love the Covid vaccine, or hate it, President Trump will allow you to choose. Afterall, it’s “your body, your choice.” Isn’t that the mantra of Kamala and the entire Democrat Party?

With President Trump, you will NEVER be forced by Big Brother to make a life and death medical decision, against your will.

And most importantly, unelected bureaucrats (or some liberal school nurse who always blindly follows whatever the government tells her) will never force an unnecessary, experimental vaccine onto your precious children that could ruin their lives.

If President Trump is elected on November 5th that decision belongs only to parents.

But I do want to mention some of yesterday’s other highlights…

We found out a top Biden-Harris administration Dept of Energy official is calling for the “queering of nuclear weapons.” Putting insane, radical, rainbow nutjobs in charge of nuclear weapons is also a matter of life and death for the American people.

Personally, when going to nuclear war with China, Russia or Iran, I prefer America’s nuclear weapons to be as “straight, male and macho” as possible. How about you?

Yesterday we also found out the Labor Dept over-estimated the jobs created by Biden-Harris in the past year by almost one million jobs. That’s a stunning number- the second highest in history.

When the media asked the Biden-Harris Secretary of Commerce about this announcement, she first denied it ever happened, then blamed President Trump for making it up. She had to be told by the media that the Labor Dept is a division of her own Commerce Dept. Oops.

Putting ignorant, clueless, incompetent bureaucrats in charge of our economy is also a matter of life or death- for the economy, your job, your assets, your retirement savings, your ability to provide for your family.

So, this isn’t just an election. This is literally a matter of life, or death.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

