‘We Will Find You, We Will Track You Down’: Lara Trump Sends ‘Clear’ Election Integrity Message, Reveals RNC Plan

Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair Lara Trump revealed Friday at a Turning Point USA (TPUSA) event, that the RNC is planning to have over 100,000 poll watchers along with over 500 lawyers in preparation for the 2024 presidential election.

Lara Trump appeared on the TPUSA Detroit stage Friday evening to discuss the top priorities for the RNC as many voters are preparing to head to the polls this November. The co-chair stated that prior to appearing on stage she had been with RNC chairman Michael Whatley to discuss the launch of their “election integrity program,” which will involve the mass training of thousands of volunteers and onboarding attorneys. (RELATED: ‘RIGGED: Death Of The American Voter’ — Stream Now)

“Our other top priority is election integrity. Charlie let’s face it, if we don’t have free, fair, and transparent elections nothing else matters. That is our goal at the RNC. And by the way every single person in this country, regardless of how you vote, should want free and fair elections. So right before I came here, I was about 30 minutes away with the chairman of the RNC Michael Whatley. He and I started here in the state of Michigan, launching our election integrity program. What we want to do is train 100,000 people all across this country to be part of that team,” Lara Trump said.

The RNC co-chair continued to explain that due to a lift in a “consent decree” previously placed on the RNC for the “past 40 years,” the committee will now have the opportunity to “train people as poll workers.” Additionally, Lara Trump discussed the importance of wanting attorneys present at the polls, emphasizing that there’d be “war rooms” set up across the U.S. to deal with issues in real time.

BREAKING: RNC Chair Lara Trump has announced that she is building an army of 100,000 poll workers and over 500 lawyers to monitor the 2024 election to stop the fraud

“We’re going to have war rooms set up in every state across this country to deal with things as they happen not… pic.twitter.com/NEjiNdocHk

— George (@BehizyTweets) June 15, 2024

“We also want attorneys to work in every major polling location so we are not reactive, we are proactive. The second you see an issue, we address it. We’re going to have war rooms set up all across this country in every state as well to deal with things as they happen, not days, weeks, or months later,” Lara Trump said.

“It will take a herculean effort to fight back against all the nonsense and all the nefarious activities that we know happen out there. But this year is the year we do it. We are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election. If you cheat in an election we will find you, we will track you down, and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

Prior to Lara Trump’s appearance on the TPUSA stage, she and Whatley attended a Detroit suburb meeting where they discussed the plan of wanting “over 100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers” for the election sites, according to the New York Post. While the media was not granted access to the breakdown of the training for poll watchers and attorneys, Whatley stated that the workers will be “taught to be respectful and non-threatening, but to also follow the law,” the outlet reported.
