“What Are They, the 51st State?”: Congressman Questions Why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Has Ukraine Flag Alongside US Flag in His Office | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

“What Are They, the 51st State?”: Congressman Questions Why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Has Ukraine Flag Alongside US Flag in His Office

WASHINGTON (Jan. 23, 2021) Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III poses for his official portrait in the Army portrait studio at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., Jan 23, 2020.(U.S. Army photo by Spc. XaViera Masline)

In a post on X Twitter on Thursday, Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) questioned why Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had a Ukraine flag alongside the United States flag in his office, as seen on video of a teleconference from Wednesday, “Why does Sec. Def have a Ukrainian flag in his office? What are they, the 51st State?”

Former trump National Security Advisor Gen. Mike Flynn (USA, Ret.) concurred, “.@DeptofDefense spokesperson, this is a great question. WTH!?”

Austin was speaking from his home office in Northern Virginia to a meeting in Brussels of the Ukraine Defense Contract Group. Austin was scheduled to attend the meeting in person but a recent re-hospitalization for complications from treatment for prostate cancer forced him to change plans. Austin returned to the Pentagon on Thursday.

The Senate recently passed a bill to give Ukraine $60 billion as part of a $95.3 billion bill that includes funding for Israel and Taiwan. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) is blocking the bill from being voted on in the House.

Video of Austin’s remarks:

YouTube transcript lightly edited for formatting:

“…Good afternoon everyone. It’s great to see you all again and I’m sorry I wouldn’t be I wasn’t able to travel to Brussels this week. I look forward to bringing this contact group together in person soon. I planed to be in person with you today in Brussels but I had to return to the hospital for nonsurgical procedures. I’m in good condition and my cancer prognosis remains excellent, and I’m really grateful for all the well wishes.

Thanks for working across time zones to join us for the 19th uh meeting of this contact group. As always I’m glad that we’re joined by a distinguished delegation from Ukraine led by Minister umov ROM. It’s great to have you with us again and a move that so many allies and partners from around the globe are with us today. That’s a testament to this coalition’s resolve and unity and we won’t back down.

Ladies and gentlemen, later this month we will mark two full years since the start of Russia’s fullscale invasion of its peaceful and democratic neighbor Ukraine. When Putin launched his unjust and unprovoked war of choice, he was betting that Ukraine would fold. But he couldn’t have been more wrong. Ukraine fought Putin’s Invasion with incredible courage and phenomenal skill, and nations of goodwill around the world rallied to Ukraine’s cause. The countries of this contact group almost two years later are still united in common purpose. The Kremlin keeps on betting that we will all lose interest in Ukraine and that our support will flicker and fade, but I am more determined than ever and I know that you are as well. This contact group remains resolute, undaunted and firm. And make no mistake, the United States continues to stand four square with Ukraine and America will continue to support Ukraine’s principal fight against Putin’s imperial aggression.

The Kremlin is sinking deeper into its self-inflicted isolation, but this coalition of some 50 countries worldwide is here to roll up our sleeves and get to work. And our allies and partners continue to shoulder the burden of our shared security. Almost two years in we continue to send security assistance to the battlefield and we are now building coalitions for Ukraine’s long-term security. We remain focused on accountability for the assistance that we’re providing to Ukraine. We’ll work together today on Ukraine’s near-term requirements including its urgent need for more artillery ammunition and air defense missiles and what we’re calling the capability coalitions are standing up and moving out they’re helping to build the foundations for a Ukrainian future force that will deter and defend against continued Russian aggression. And we will continue to adapt our support to Ukraine’s short-term and long-term security requirements.

So let me thank everyone who is leading the capability coalitions. You are tackling a truly crucial task that means building up Ukraine’s future artillery force and supplying it with enough ammunition. It means equipping Ukraine with F16s and the infrastructure to keep them flying. And it means ensuring that Ukraine has an integrated and layered air defense network to protect its civilians, cities and skies. We’ll keep using the nimble framework of the capability coalition to adapt to Ukraine’s evolving security requirements. Each of these coalitions underscores our unity and resolve to help Ukraine and to confront Russian aggression. We’ll continue to work together to get Ukraine what it needs to hold on to its gains and to keep pushing back Russia’s illegal occupation in the months ahead.

The Kremlin’s cruelty is especially clear during another winter of war. Putin’s forces brazenly bombard Ukraine’s cities with ballistic missiles and Iranian drones but Ukraine continues to defy the Kremlin and fight for its sovereign rights. And we will continue to dig deep to provide Ukraine with both short-term and long-term support. The countries of this coalition, including the United States, support Ukraine because it’s the right thing to do and because it is in our core national security interest. Putin’s indefensible war of aggression poses a massive challenge to security and stability in Europe and beyond. And the Kremlin’s invasion is a frontal assault on the hard one post War II International order that condemns aggression, defends state sovereignty and upholds human human rights.

So the outcome of Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s Imperial aggression will help define global security for decades. And for people of principle and governments of conscience, standing aside while Ukraine fights for its very existence is not an option. Ukraine will not surrender and neither will we. And with that we’ll pause for a moment as our friends in the media depart and then start our agenda, thank you.”

Photo of author

Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor’s articles here.

