‘What Do You Mean Intentional?’: Congressman And Former Army Sniper Stuns CNN Anchor With Assassination Speculation

Republican Florida Rep. Cory Mills stunned CNN’s Kate Bolduan, seeming to argue that we can’t yet rule out the possibility the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was due to an intentional security lapse.

Mills, who served as a sniper in the U.S. Army as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division and Joint Special Operations Command, questioned how the shooter was able to bypass security and called the situation “a failure in advance.”

I’ve done thousands of counter-sniper operations with our teams, in Iraq and Afghanistan, etcetera. The amount of negligence, the amount of mistakes that were made here … I have a very difficult time not leaning myself towards this was intentional as opposed to fecklessness,” Mills stated.

“From a perspective of someone who’s actually conducted these, these are not difficult advances,” Mills claimed. “This is about looking at your surroundings. What is my green go and red route? Which is your route out, in case. What is my actual elements that I need to be looking at as far as mitigating threats or risks or increased levels? Where’s my range fan for the sniper that says, ‘ok here’s my 100, my 200, my sketch, here’s an area where someone could shoot,’” he continued

“You’re saying this is so basic, how big the screw up was, that’s what’s leading your brain down this road?” Bolduan asked.

“That’s exactly right,” Mills responded.

JUST IN: CNN host loses it after former US Army sn*per Cory Mills suggests the July 13 assas*ination attempt on Trump *could have been* a setup.

Holy sh*t.

Mills explained how everything about the incident made no sense.

CNN anchor Kate Bolduan was visibly stunned and… pic.twitter.com/ss6G0opgKx

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 16, 2024

Bolduan expressed reservations about hearing Mills’ speculation.

“I’m just so uncomfortable with even having—” Bolduan started before Mills interrupted her, saying, “I’m uncomfortable with having to say it.”

“You don’t want to be the conspiracist,” Mills stated.

“That’s what it’s leaning towards,” Bolduan responded.

“You walk this fine balance of, you’re not trying to be a conspiracist, but you look at this and you go how could this have gone so poorly?” Mills continued.

Mills also called for a congressional investigation into the situation alongside the ongoing FBI investigation.

“This is not about a political thing. This is about, we had an attempt to assassinate a President. We really need to understand what a serious matter this is. And this was a milliseconds or a millimeter difference between this being an attempt and this being an assassination.” (RELATED: US Reportedly Received Intel Of Iranian Plot To Assassinate Trump)

Mills argued for “what-if-ing” every potential scenario.

“We should look … at every single situation which is of this significance, we should look at it from multiple angles to ensure that nothing is left out, nothing can be potentially claimed as being covered up. We need to have more transparency to the American people and I think that’s what everybody deserves,” Mills concluded.
