White House claims Comer has proof payments from James to Joe Biden were for loans

White House claims Comer has proof payments from James to Joe Biden were for loans

November 04, 2023 09:33 AM

The White House sent a letter to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, telling him that he has the proof necessary to show that the checks President Joe Biden received after leaving the vice presidency from his brother are loan repayments, not a sign of corruption.

Comer and his committee have unveiled two direct payments from James Biden, the president’s brother, to Joe Biden. One for $200,000 in 2018 and one for $40,000 in 2017. But, while Comer has used this as evidence of corruption on behalf of Joe Biden, the White House has claimed they were loan repayments from James Biden to his brother.


“If Joe Biden did personally loan James Biden an amount that was later repaid by the $200,000 check, please provide the loan documents, including the loan payment, loan agreement, and any other supporting loan documentation,” Comer wrote in a letter to White House counsel Edward Siskel on Oct. 26.

The White House responded on Friday, telling Comer the committee is already in possession of documents proving that it is a loan.

“Although your letter asserts that ‘no records in the Committee’s possession’ document this transaction, that is incorrect,” Richard Sauber, the special counsel to the president, said in the letter.

In a post on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, the Oversight Committee said it has become clear that “President Biden is refusing to hand over loan documents for any ‘loans’ he provided to his brother, James Biden.”

“Is this what ‘the most transparent administration in history’ is supposed to look like?,” the post continued. “We won’t be stopped by the President’s stonewalling. We’ll continue to follow the money, expose President Biden’s corruption, and deliver accountability.”

According to the Messenger, a payment of $200,000 was made from Joe Biden to James Biden in 2018 from an account maintained by Joe Biden’s attorney. The president’s brother then paid that loan back, with no interest, in just over a month, the outlet reported.

The Messenger reported the same thing was also true for the $40,000 payment.

But, the records revealed by Comer do show that James Biden sent the $200,000 payment to his brother the same day that he received $200,000 from Americore, a rural hospital operating company. That company later went bankrupt and sued James Biden over wire transfers, claiming that he misled the company into paying him $600,000 he had listed as loans.

For the $40,000 check, the bank records showed that a company connected to the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC sent $5 million to an entity co-owned by Hunter Biden and a CEFC executive. The same day, Hunter Biden appears to have transferred $400,000 into another account.


He then sent $150,000 of that money to James and Sara Biden’s business account, according to the bank records.

On Aug. 28, 2017, Sara Biden transferred $50,000 from the business she shared with her husband to their personal account, and then she wrote the $40,000 check to Joe Biden from the personal account.
